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Issue date: 
Mai. 10, 2010

RISI-Series: ICT – Killing paper off with a greener image? Part I


Issue date: 
Mai. 21, 2010

Paper producers gearing up for new expansion in China again!

SHANGHAI, Mai. 21, 2010 (RISI) - Expansion, expansion and expansion, in almost all paper grades, was the word that was heard most in talks among industry CEOs and executives during the recently held Metso Summit at the Finland pavilion at the Shanghai World EXPO.

Issue date: 
Mai. 18, 2010

North American copy paper trends at home vs. the office – less paper, but far from paperless


Issue date: 
May 13, 2010

What, Exactly, Is Black Liquor? Just Ask the Tax Man

If you want to understand that once-obscure, now infamous pulp byproduct known as black liquor, you can turn to an unlikely source –- the lawyers at the Internal Revenue Service.

Issue date: 
Mai. 5, 2010

Printed products - in or out of EU FLEGT?

Issue date: 
March 22, 2010

Chile: To suffer from earthquake - forest products industry hit hardest


Issue date: 
Mär. 9, 2010

E-read it and weep?

Issue date: 
March 2, 2010

Chilean earthquake could cause pulp supply crisis and escalating prices

The Chilean earthquake and resultant reduction in pulp supply comes at a time when pulp markets are already very tight with Chinese customers on allocation. The immediate impact is likely to be higher pulp prices leading to higher paper prices. NBSK pulp prices are already at US$890/tonne.

Issue date: 
December 13, 2009

The 10 Most Common Paper-Purchasing Mistakes

I wrote recently that I was on the verge of publishing “the best article I have ever seen on paper purchasing” when Google’s robots disabled this blog. Here it is, from guest columnist Bill Lufkin, one of the country's top experts on paper buying.

China stimulus plans to push global Pulp&Paper?


LONDON, Jul. 23, 2009 (RISI) - Recent weeks have seen the first signs of a hoped-for trickle down effect on the pulp and paper industry from China's massive economic stimulus package.


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by Dr. Radut