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Indigenous people

Issue date: 
January 25, 2012

Video reveals global resistance to FC projects & critical perspectives on REDD

Global Forest Coalition and Global Justice Ecology Project have produced a new video entitled A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests.

Issue date: 
Jan. 26, 2012

ForestEthics Launches Petition & Website

After a month of escalating rhetoric from the Harper government and oil industry front groups and confirmation today from internal government documents that the government explicitly identified environmental and aboriginal groups as "adversaries" in its strategy to increase tar sands ex

Issue date: 
27 December 2011

REDD+ can learn valuable lessons from community-managed forests in Latin America

Community-managed forests in Latin America could provide valuable lessons for the sustainable management of these resources, in particular under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) schemes, says a new study by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Issue date: 
December 2, 2011

What Will Save Our Forests?

In this article I wrote for Earth Island Journal earlier this year detailing the fatal flaws of the climate mitigation scheme known as REDD (for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and fo

Issue date: 
November 29th, 2011

A primer on REDD+ and indigenous peoples

Katy Clark and I studied the issue of REDD+ and its implications for indigenous rights as we evaluated a joint project currently being implemented by the Coordinator for

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

Climate change, the Big corrupt business?

Goldtooth expresses his misgivings about agriculture being included as part of the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD).

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

UN forest protection scheme heading in wrong direction

“The outcome on REDD safeguards is a step backwards from what was agreed in Cancun last year, which itself was far short of what could have been agreed in Copenhagen. The provisions for safeguards in forest conservation are being shredded”, says Raja Jarrah, CARE’s Senior Advisor on REDD.

"This is bad news for millions of indigenous people and local communities whose livelihoods depend on forests.”

Issue date: 
November 30, 2011

Code of Conduct for working with Indigenous and Local Communities

Research related to tropical rainforests involves field-based data collection. Much of this information gathering takes place in territories occupied by indigenous and other forest-based communities.

Issue date: 

Amazonian indigenous peoples against REDD

Peruvian indigenous organizations along with the Forest Peoples Program, an international non-profit that defends the rights of native forest-dwelling peoples, said in a recent report that carbon emission reduction programs tied to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or REDD, a United Nations-led program, are hurting indigenous rights.

Issue date: 
November 25th, 2011

Coast Tsimshian Resources signs contract to sell logs to Chinese company

Coast Tsimshian Resources has signed a contract to sell 150,000 cubic metres of logs to Fujian Hijong Wood Industry Co. Ltd. of Putian, China.


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by Dr. Radut