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Woodworking industry

Issue date: 
March 6, 2012

Wood WORKS! BC presents 2012 Wood Design Awards

Leadership and innovation in wood use was celebrated this evening at the Vancouver Convention Centre West, as more than 350 distinguished design and building professionals, including architects, engineers, project teams and industry sponsors and guests gathered to

Issue date: 
March 7, 2012

Release of the 'Case for Tall Wood Buildings'

VANCOUVER, March 7, 2012 /CNW/ - Guests at the Wood WORKS!

Issue date: 
February 29, 2012

Global sawlog prices fell in late 2011

Global sawlog prices fell in late 2011, especially in lumber export-oriented countries such as Western Canada, Finland, Sweden, Russia and New Zealand, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. 

Issue date: 
February 25, 201

The Global Forest Industry This Quarter

Excerpts from the market report Wood Resource Quarterly:

Issue date: 
February 13, 2012

Uncertainties cloud state's carbon offset opportunities

ANDERSON, Calif. - Forestry's recognition as a carbon-friendly industry could provide lucrative opportunities for timberland owners in the emerging world of carbon credits.

Issue date: 
February 06, 2012

Bretford Reinforces Commitment to Sustainability by Achieving CarbonNeutral® Company Certification


Issue date: 
Jan 4, 2012

Storms Driven by January Trade in Finland

Forest acquired in January from private forests 2.6 million cubic meters of wood. In January, the purchased amount of trees felled by storms was estimated at 1.5 million cubic meters.

Storm damage was very localized and do not have a significant impact on the industry's annual use of wood. The storm effects were greatest in south-western Finland, where the timber trade took place livelier many times over the previous January.

Issue date: 
Feb. 9, 2012

Forest industry appreciates Prime Minister's promotion of Canadian lumber exports to China

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is pleased that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has highlighted the exceptional growth of Canadian lumber exports to China.  The industry recognizes the important partnership role the fe

Issue date: 
February 03, 2012

Ugandans Invest in Trees, For Profit, Conservation

Wealthy investors in Uganda are taking advantage of a new money-making opportunity investing in trees. Trees have become an attractive investment because of the rising cost of timber and the allure of carbon credits. The Ugandan government sees these so-called "tree banks" as a means to combat deforestation. But practice remains controversial.

Issue date: 
January 31, 2012

China is now the world’s largest importer of softwood lumber and logs

Reduced activities in the housing construction sector in China decreased importation of softwood logs and lumber in late 2011, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.


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by Dr. Radut