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Issue date: 
Nov. 20, 2012

Counting carbon: Measuring carbon stocks in logging concessions in Cameroon

Deep inside a logging concession in southern Cameroon, scientists from the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) are measuring the carbon content of a huge tree, selectively felled by a timber company.

Issue date: 
15 Nov 2012

FSC first for Brazil forest concession

Brazilian forestry company LN Guerra has achieved FSC certification for Mamuru, its 46-000 hectare concession in Para state.  This is the first forest concession in Brazil to achieve FSC certification.

Issue date: 
November 12, 2012

Warning of mass deforestation after govt's Kyoto pull-out

A warning of mass deforestation, now that the Government is walking away from the Kyoto Protocol.

Climate Change Minister Tim Groser says as of next year New Zealand will align climate change efforts with countries that are collectively responsible for 85 percent of global emissions.

Issue date: 
Carbon Market Watch

Who pays? Lessons from CDM forestry projects for REDD

Forestry projects typically involve local communities and are challenging to implement. When farmers get involved with personal financial liabilities, the question of who bears the financial risk arises especially in cases where revenues from carbon credits do not materialise.

Issue date: 
November 19th, 2012

New Zealand log prices update

New Zealand log exports have remained consistent this year, now recording a 7th consecutive month above 1million m³ in August. Year to date figures show a 3% increase in exports compared to the year to August 2011 on the back of a strong month in June.

Issue date: 
Nov 19, 2012

Communites take over forest management

A total of 152 households in Samtse will now take care of 582.11 acres of forest land with the dzongkhag administration handing over four community forest ownership certificates and 15 private forest certificates to the beneficiaries on November 15.

Issue date: 
June 4, 2012

Ready for the Market? Assessing prerequisites for market-based REDD+ activities

This policy paper aims at identifying and assessing the prerequisites developing countries should fulfill in order to access a future market-based REDD+ mechanism.

Issue date: 
Nov. 20, 2012

A Struggle for the Soul of the GCF

Existential crises usually kick in mid-life, as one wakes and wonders: what is my purpose in life? Why am I here, and where am I going?

Issue date: 
Nov. 20, 2012

India's incredible farm forestry program

Sometime in October, 2012, a farmer in the northeastern corner of Andhra Pradesh state in India will plant a very special sapling.

Issue date: 

Forest Carbon Prices Doubled In 2012

The price of forest carbon credits doubled in 2011, leading to a record market value of $237 million as more country programs embraced mechanisms that use carbon finance to plant or replenish endangered forests, according to the latest "State of Forest Carbon Markets" report, which aggregates


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by Dr. Radut