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January 2009


Timber procurement policy


Organization of timber procurement

IT Management


Dear Visitor, we will have a text availaible shortly


In excuse for this inconvenient have a look to this

Forest Owner Associations

General Information and initial situation

Weilhart as a contiguous forest area with a total area of about 10.000 ha comprises about 5.000 ha of large scale forests owners (Castell and co-onwers) and about 5.000 ha of small holder private forests. The 5.000 ha of core area make up the core of the Weilhart forest area, whilst the small holder private forest make up the fringe zone congregated around the core.

Der Wald und das Kyotoprotokoll

"BONN, Juli 2001 - Manifest der deutschen Waldbesitzer zum Klimaschutz: Die Bedeutung der nachhaltigen Forstwirtschaft wurde nur in unzureichender Weise in das sog. Kyoto-Protokoll zur Klimarahmenkonvention der Vereinten Nationen aufgenommen. Die positiven Leistungen der europäischen Wirtschaftswälder müssen im Kyoto-Prozeß anerkannt und die Methoden der Anrechnung verbessert werden.

Forests and the Kyoto protocol


Dear Visitor, a text will be available shortly, but there is a German text.


In excuse for this inconvenient we want to show
you an example
of really bad safety management:


Staatsforstverwaltungen  und deren Aufgaben


by Dr. Radut