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August 2009

Fighting climate change might cost 300 billion USD a year from 2020

De Boer: Fighting climate change will cost a "phenomenal amount of money - 300 billion dollars a year from 2020. That is the cost for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to impacts from the changing climate, estimates the UN climate chief Yvo de Boer.

Prince Charles Gives $2.8b To Preserve Rain Forests

Karanganyar, Central Java. Britain’s Prince Charles has set aside 2 billion euros ($2.8 billion) to help Indonesia and other developing countries preserve their rain forests, State Minister for the Environment Rachmat Witoelar said on Thursday.

Indonesian Government: Production forests will reach 10m hectares by 2014

The government is optimistic its production forests (HTI) will span over 5 million hectares by the year-end, and over 10 million hectares by 2014 as targeted, because the forestry industry can now resort to financing supported by government, an official says.

Mehr Furcht vor Klimawandel also vor der Krise

Der Klimawandel ist nach Ansicht der Österreicher eine weltweit größere Bedrohung als der Terrorismus, Kriege oder die Wirtschaftskrise. Das geht aus einer aktuellen Eurobarometer-Umfrage hervor. 

Climate change mitigation has top priority in publics

Publics Want More Government Action on Climate Change: Global Poll

July 29, 2009: A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of 19 nations from around the world finds that majorities in 15 think their government should put a higher priority on addressing climate change than it does now. This includes the largest greenhouse gas emitters: China (62% want more action), the US (52%), and Russia (56%).

Just think about forests and carbon markets...

How much pollution can a tree absorb? The question is at the center of a high-stakes fight over how much it will cost to curb climate change -- and who will foot the bill.

Trees are nature's antidote to smokestacks and tailpipes. Factories and cars cough out carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas produced when fossil fuel is burned. Trees inhale it. They store the carbon in their roots, trunks and leaves, and they send the oxygen back into the air.

US South reports lowest wood fibre cost in the world

2009-07-22  Pulpmills in the US South had some of the lowest wood fiber costs in the world in the 2Q/2009, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.

The US South has the largest pulp industry in the world and this industry has enjoyed low wood raw-material costs for a very long time. This trend continued in 2009, with wood chip and pulpwood costs that were substantially lower than global average costs, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly.

Voluntary carbon markets - be advised to carefully choose your credits!

PORT MORESBY, Jul 30, 2009 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- The pristine forests of Papua New Guinea could be worth billions of dollars a year in carbon trading but potentially lucrative projects are on hold amid court orders and a government investigation.


by Dr. Radut