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November 2009

Is Timber an Overhyped Investment?

U.S. TIMBERLAND MAY BE ONE OF THE WORLD'S most overvalued asset classes.

CO2 from forest destruction overestimated?

The carbon dioxide emissions caused by the destruction of tropical forests have been significantly overestimated, according to a new study. The work could undermine attempts to pay poor countries to protect forests as a cost-effective way to tackle global warming.

The loss of forests in countries such as Brazil and Indonesia is widely assumed to account for about 20% of all carbon dioxide produced by human activity – more than the world's transport system. The 20% figure was published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007 and was widely quoted after being highlighted by the Stern review on the economics of the problem. It is repeatedly used by Prince Charles and others as an incentive to push efforts to include forests in carbon trading.

Curbing emissions from deforestation is one of the main issues being discussed at a UN climate meeting in Barcelona this week, before crucial talks in Copenhagen next month.

UPM to restructure plywood and timber operations in Finland

Nov 3 2009  UPM plans significant restructuring of its plywood and timber operations in Finland. Almost 900 jobs will be cut, but this time not in UPM's pulp and paper operations.

Is mixing of PEFC and FSC material allowed?

A recent FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) study set out to assess whether the requirements set for FSC Controlled Wood are met by PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification) schemes.

Illegal logging responsible for loss of 10 million hectares in Indonesia

Lush tropical rainforest once covered almost all of Indonesia's 17,000 islands between the Indian and Pacific oceans. And just half a century ago, 80 per cent remained. But since then, rampant logging and burning has destroyed nearly half that cover, and made the country the world's third largest emitter of greenhouses gases after the US and China.

Biofuels for Dummies

Carbon accounting used in the Kyoto Protocol and other climate legislation currently neglects CO2 emissions from the production of biofuels, a loophole that could drive large-scale destruction of tropical forests and exacerbate global warming, warned researchers writing last week in the journal Science.

Some Overview in Forest Investments of Forest Energy Plantations in 2009

Forests are a growing investment prospect as climate incentives place new value on wood chips and standing trees, say fund managers. An economic recovery will also drive demand for more traditional products such as pulp and lumber, investors say.

Logged forests support biodiversity after 15 years of rehabilitation

With the world facing global warming and a biodiversity crisis, a new study in Conservation Biology shows that within 15 years logged forests—considered by many to be 'degraded'—can be managed in order to successfully fight both climate change and extinction.

Voluntary carbon credits go global

Having overcome various technical problems, the regional markets for voluntary carbon credits are now united. Traders are hoping for a future US scheme to enlarge the market.

Palm Project Accused of Environmental Destruction

KAMPALA, Nov 3 (IPS) - It is a public-private partnership intended to reduce Uganda's dependence on imported vegetable oil while creating sustainable jobs and income for several thousand people. Its critics say it's destroying forests with no regard for environmental regulations.


by Dr. Radut