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The story of Ecuador's Yasuni Rainforests

Issue date: 
Dec. 19, 2011

Rain Forest for Ransom

TIME MAGAZINE - The canoes slip away from the dock, the morning mist still clinging to Anangucocha Lake in eastern Ecuador's Yasuni National Park. The water is the ink black of old tea, the paddles vanishing beneath the surface with every stroke.

Issue date: 
August 24, 2011

Ecuador's climate plan worth a look

Developed countries including Canada have insisted it is imperative that developing countries should also shoulder responsibility for combating greenhouse-gas emissions if they expect a truly effective international approach to dealing with climate change.

Issue date: 
14 August 2011

Four months to save the world's last great wilderness from 'oil curse'

Issue date: 
9 June 2011

Germany's Withdrawal of Funding Threatens Plan to Save Ecuador Forest


Issue date: 
8 August 2010

The world's first really green oil deal

The world's first genuinely green energy deal is about to be sealed. In a plan which could be a blueprint for saving large tracts of the planet from exploitation, a greater value is being put on a pristine wilderness than on the oil that lies beneath.

Issue date: 
December 27, 2009

2009: a year in review of rainforest protection

2009 may prove to be an important turning point for tropical forests.

Lead by Brazil, which had the lowest extent of deforestation since at least the 1980s, global forest loss likely declined to its lowest level in more than a decade. Critical to the fall in deforestation was the global financial crisis, which dried up credit for forest-destroying activities and contributed to a crash in commodity prices, an underlying driver of deforestation.

Issue date: 
September 4, 2009

Germany to pay $ 650 million in order to protect Rainforests in Ecuador

Germany has apparently agreed to fund a significant portion of Ecuador's scheme to leave Amazon rainforest oil reserves in the ground, according to Business Green.


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by Dr. Radut