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REDD+ Governance

Issue date: 
May 2010

The Hartwell Paper

A new direction for climate policy

Issue date: 
May 6, 2010

Deforestation failure sounds climate alarm

(PhysOrg.com) -- Australia's failure to accurately measure and predict emissions from deforestation, and the difficulty it has had in reducing deforestation, should send a warning signal to the world, according to a study from The Australian National University.
Issue date: 
May 2010

REDD, forest governance and rural livelihoods: the emerging agenda

Issue date: 
April 2010

Study on Forest Law Enforcement and REDD in Guyana


Issue date: 
28 April 2010

Indigenous Lands: Painful History of State Control Over Forests Traced by ‘Heavily Deforested Footprints’

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; Ninth Session; 12th & 13th Meetings (AM & PM):

Issue date: 
February 2009

Will the global Forestry Carbon Market go REDD?

While nearly $150 million has been spent to date on carbon offsets from planting trees and preserving forests, the market is in a precipitous position over limitations in the CDM for forestry projects.

Issue date: 

Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda: The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE)

A Tool for Prioritizing Sub-National REDD Opportunities and Constraints Experiences in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda.

Issue date: 

Introductory course on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): a training manual

The technical material was developed in mid-2008 and is 'global' in nature. Starting at the 'global' level was a deliberate action by the developers of this program as the current global dialogue and debate will create the ground rules for national and project-led developments in REDD.

Issue date: 
March 2010

FAO + ITTO: Forest governance and climate-change mitigation

March 2010: The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have published a policy brief summarizing the main findings of five workshops that aimed to promote a multi-sectoral dialogue among countries on improving forest law compliance.

Issue date: 
September 2009

WRI: Governance of Forests Initiative Indicator Framework

Competing demands for food, fuel and profit are driving the loss and degradation of the world’s remaining forests. Governments, the private sector, and citizens are struggling to manage the conflicts between these priorities.


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by Dr. Radut