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Timber products

China is the major importer of forest products globally

Imports of Logs, Lumber and Pulp to China Increased Substantially in the 2Q/09 as the Country’s Economy Grow by Almost 8%, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.
China became the major import destination for many globally traded forest products in 2009. The country is the world’s largest importer of wood pulp and logs, and was the 2nd largest importer of softwood lumber in the world in the 2Q/09, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.

The UNECE Market Review 2008 - 2009

The current economic crisis is hitting hard the forest products sector across the UNECE region, according to the UNECE/FAO’s Forest Products Annual Market Review 2008-2009.

Forest Products Markets 2008/2009 Outlook

A couple weeks ago, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) released its 2008–2009 Forest Products Annual Market Review (http://timber.unece.org/index.php?id=208).

Fibre costs were 53% of the total pulp production costs

The largest cost component when manufacturing wood pulp is the cost of wood fiber. In the 1Q/09, this cost was 53% of the total production cost worldwide. Both the relative and nominal cost of wood have declined the past year; wood fiber costs in the 2Q/09 were at their lowest levels in over two years, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly.

Timber carrier hijacked - is lumber worth doing this now?

Tuesday, 11th of August 2009: An international maritime hunt is underway for a missing cargo ship which is thought to be the first hijacked vessel to be sailed through the English Channel in modern times.

Indonesian Government: Production forests will reach 10m hectares by 2014

The government is optimistic its production forests (HTI) will span over 5 million hectares by the year-end, and over 10 million hectares by 2014 as targeted, because the forestry industry can now resort to financing supported by government, an official says.

Money doesn't grow on trees

Money doesn't grow on trees, but bioenergy might

Climate change. Recycling. Bioenergy. Sustainability. The agenda for PricewaterhouseCoopers' 22nd Annual Global Forest and Paper Industry Conference in mid-May read like it could have been written for a Greenpeace meeting.

Chinas timber prices down


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by Dr. Radut