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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 

Enhancing Adaptation of Forests and People in Africa-Development of Pilot Cases for Selected Forest Ecosystems in Ghana and Malawi

Panic in the government should not descend into head-over-heels panic

Minister Bell
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC
V8V 1X4

Issue date: 

EU-funded study underlines importance of Congo Basin for global climate and biodiversity

With its 1.7 billion square kilometres, an area equivalent to 5 times the size of Germany, the Congo Basin forest is the world's second largest tropical forest.

Issue date: 
11 Mar 2012

Land ownership boosts climate resilience in India

Efforts to secure land ownership for tribal people in one of India’s poorest states are bolstering their economic security in the face of climate-induced hardships, and helping conserve farmland and forest.

Issue date: 
March 15, 2012

Well-managed logging concession areas could boost REDD+ carbon stocks in Congo Basin

A new CIFOR project in the Congo Basin is hoping to bolster scientific evidence that proves sustainable timber production in forests logged by private companies and local communities could increase carbon stocks needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

Issue date: 
Mar 18, 2012

New Forests Leads Purchase of 46,000 Hectare Australian Softwood Plantation

Funds managed by New Forests have taken a controlling interest in the 46,000 hectare Auspine estate. New Forests' Australia New Zealand Forest Fund is the lead investor in the transaction, which includes the land and trees of the 64-property estate, formerly owned and managed by Gunns Limited.

Issue date: 
March 20, 2012

Climate Conversations - Turning to communities to protect forests

Tackling climate change through sustainable forest management is being promoted as a way forward to fight greenhouse gases.

Issue date: 
27 MARCH 2012

Task Force boost to sustainable forestry

The Government has announced it will implement a host of the forestry sector’s own recommendations to boost sustainable forestry and the green economy in its response to the Forestry Regulation Task Force published today, 27 March 2012.

Issue date: 
29 March, 2012

Green Triangle earns gold star

CSIRO Honorary fellow and retired chief scientist, Dr Sadanandan Nambier, told over 200 delegates at the full day conference titled 'Precision Forestry in Action' that the challenge now was learning how to forest in a sustainable way to match the global exponential wood demand.

Issue date: 
05 April 2012

Liberia: Sustainable Forest Management


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by Dr. Radut