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Issue date: 
Aug. 15, 2011

Increased Tropical Forest Growth Could Release Carbon from the Soil

ScienceDaily (Aug. 15, 2011) — A new study shows that as climate change enhances tree growth in tropical forests, the resulting increase in litterfall could stimulate soil micro-organisms leading to a release of stored soil carbon.

Issue date: 
August 12th, 2011

The Money Tree

Dirk Brinkman has been selling trees since 1970, before carbon had anything to do with it.

Issue date: 
11 Aug, 2011

End logging to cut carbon: study

Australia could meet almost half of its 5 per cent greenhouse reduction target by ending logging of native forests, according to a new economic study.

Issue date: 
22 July 2011

International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA)

Carbon Positive is involved with a number of participants in the forest carbon sector to establish a representative organisation, the International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA).

Issue date: 
2 August 2011

Government approves carbon accreditation scheme

In a UK first the British government has approved a carbon accreditation scheme set up to recognise business' efforts to capture and store carbon.

Issue date: 
28 July 2011

UK announces certification standard for forest carbon storage projects

The UK government has announced new scheme to assess the carbon captured and stored by forest projects initiated for carbon sequestration.

Issue date: 
27 July 2011

Japan revises its forest law to boost carbon sequestration

Japan has brought about changes in its Forests and Forestry Basic Plan under Forests Act (1964) with specific focus on carbon sequestration.

Issue date: 

Kibale National Park rehabilitation project

Located in southwest Uganda, the Kibale National Park (KNP) is one of the last remaining tropical forest blocks in the country. It harbours the greatest variety and concentration of primates found anywhere in East Africa and is home to at least 350 tree species. Despite the park’s ecological value, deforestation and historic consumptive use of the park have contributed to significant deterioration of KNP’s forest and its biodiversity over the past 30 years.

Issue date: 
July 14, 2011

Forests soak up third of fossil fuel emissions: study

ARIS — Forests play a larger role in Earth's climate system than previously suspected for both the risks from deforestation and the potential gains from regrowth, a benchmark study released Thursday has shown.

Issue date: 
10 July 2011

Concern Over Stalled Forest Carbon Project

Nearly a year after an agreement involving the Federal Government and a duo of environmental management firms was finalised, fears are being expressed over the prospects of the accord, which appears to be mired.


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by Dr. Radut