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Ecosystem services

Issue date: 
May 15, 2012

Rio+20 Dialogues: Water scarcity under a changing climate, can forests help win the battle?

Despite recent research that has closely linked climate change and water scarcity with a rapidly rising deforestation rates, the international climate community still mainly thinks of forests in terms of their carbon storage potential rather than the critical role they play in regulating rainfall

Issue date: 
09 May 2012

Pricing natural assets could spur green growth - World Bank

Declining stocks of forests, farmland, fish and other natural resources threaten to derail economic growth around the world and curb progress against poverty, the World Bank warned on Wednesday.

Issue date: 
May 8, 2012

Our too-thirsty forests

Issue date: 

South-South Learning: From Payments for Environmental Services to REDD+ in Latin America


Issue date: 
May 1, 2012

Ecuador Asks World to Pay to Keep Yasuni Oil Underground

Ecuador is eyeing the international Green Climate Fund as a way to help pay for its plan to trade oil for forests, a top government representative said.

Issue date: 
March 30, 2012

ITTO Supports Development of Forest Planning Model in Guyana

March 2012: The Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Environmental Services in Tropical Forests (REDDES) Programme of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) has provided support to Guyana to develop a high-level decision support model for forestry.

Issue date: 
March 22, 2012

Lessons for REDDplus: A comparative analysis of the German discourse on forest functions and the global ecosystem services debate

This paper compares the historic German discourse on forest functions with the current international debate on ecosystem services and analyzes the factors that may have triggered or inhibited the development and the institutionalization of both underlying concepts and subordinate debates.

Issue date: 
July 2010 - June 2012

Forest and Climate Conservation for the private Sector

Issue date: 
February 15, 2012

Stacking Ecosystem Services Payments: Risks and Solutions

Healthy ecosystems provide many services to society, including water filtration, biodiversity habitat protection, and carbon sequestration.

Issue date: 
February 15, 2012

Insights from the Field: Forests for Climate and Timber

The Carbon Canopy is a novel partnership among companies, landowners, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that seeks to leverage markets for ecosystem services to increase the area of southern U.S. forests certified as sustainably managed.


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by Dr. Radut