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Cashing in on carbon

Environment Waikato is considering using its $60 millon investment fund for a massive tree planting scheme to cash in on the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme.

Issue date: 
September 17, 2010

Is EU changing mind in terms of forest carbon?

New rumbling emerged from Europe this week that the potential for emissions-reducing activities involving land use, land-use change, and forestry may be finally getting a d

Issue date: 
Sep 16, 2010

World Bank sells 500,000 U.N. carbon offsets

Issue date: 
August 29, 2010

From outer space, a new dilemma for old-growth forests

Issue date: 
06 September 2010

Forest carbon stores may be massively overestimated

Rainforests may store much less carbon than we thought. It could be time to dramatically revise our estimates following the discovery that apparently similar forests hold vastly different amounts of the stuff.

Issue date: 
Sep 2, 2010

Carbon Traders Speculating on 50 Euros a Ton in 2012, CarbonDesk Says

Options to buy European Union carbon permits for 2012 traded in London yesterday at a strike price of as much as 50 euros a metric ton, according to CarbonDesk Ltd.

Issue date: 
September 2010

World Bank Caught in Controversy Over Suspect Carbon Credits

A storm has been brewing for months in an obscure corner of the carbon-trading world, and it's now raging into full public view.

Issue date: 
September 2010

Updated standard provides new guidance for using forests to address climate change

Version 3.2 of the Climate Action Reserve’s Forest Project Protocol continues to ensure integrity of forest offset projects

Issue date: 
Aug 31, 2010

Portugal's Forests Losing Ability to Capture Carbon

GERÊS, Portugal, Aug 31, 2010 (IPS) - Environmentalists are alarmed: fires have destroyed close to 100,000 hectares of forest in Portugal this summer, releasing one million tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Worst of all, the forests are losing their ability to absorb carbon.

Issue date: 
2 Sep, 2010

New Zealand: Region a net ETS winner

GISBORNE will be a net winner from the emissions trading scheme, promises Climate Change Minister Nick Smith.

At a well-attended meeting last night, Dr Smith managed to tame a potentially hostile audience through judicious use of the expressions:

“Good question”, “You’re absolutely right” and “That deserves a thorough answer — I’ll answer each point in turn”.


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by Dr. Radut