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December 2010

Issue date: 
December 2010

Developing Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+

Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) mechanisms are one of the best short term alternatives for significantly reducing green house gas emissions, thus contributing to minimize the impacts of global climate changes.

Issue date: 
November 2010

Building Forest Carbon Projects

Developing forest carbon projects is complex and often daunting for project proponents, whether they are from the private sector, civil society organizations or government agencies.

Issue date: 
December 20, 2010

Contracting for Carbon

Forest carbon payments – payments for restoring or planting forest, or for preventing forest degradation or deforestation – can help to prevent and reverse forest loss.

Issue date: 
Dec.20, 2010

Paper Mill closures in Europe

BRUSSELS, Belgium, Dec.20, 2010 -- Western European demand for coated papers has matured and the post recession rebound in demand is over.

Issue date: 
21 Dec 2010

Jukka Pahta appointed chief financial officer of Pöyry

Finland, 21 Dec 2010, Jukka Pahta, 44, has been appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Pöyry PLC. He will become a member of the Group Executive Committee of Pöyry PLC and report to Heikki Malinen, President and CEO of Pöyry PLC. Jukka Pahta will be based at the Pöyry headquarters in Vantaa, Finland. He will take over his new duties on 1 March 2011 at the latest.

Issue date: 
21 Dec 2010

UPM Agrees on New Financing Arrangements

Helsinki, Finland, 21 Dec 2010 – UPM has prepaid all of the Uruguay Fray Bentos pulp mill investment project loans of USD 372 million. The security arrangements relating to the project loans will be released. The prepayment reduces financing costs and simplifies the Group's financing structure.

Issue date: 
December 22nd, 2010

Frustration with Ontario’s wood supply competition

When the province of Ontario announced a plan in November 2009 to free up 11 million cubic metres of unused wood fibre in the province through a wood supply competition, over 100 value-added wood projects submitted an application.

Issue date: 
Tuesday 21 December

Why Bolivia stood alone in opposing the Cancún climate agreement

We were accused of being obstructionist, obstinate and unrealistic. But we feel an enormous obligation to set aside diplomacy and tell the truth

Issue date: 
December 20, 2010

The REDD+ Decision in Cancun

How does the new agreement on REDD set the stage for halting the destruction and degradation of forests?

Issue date: 
December 20th, 2010

Swiss Wood Firm To Invest 900 Million Euros In Tunisia

Switzerland-based Global Wood Holding will invest 900 million euros to grow Eucalyptus trees in Tunisia and export the wood to Europe, creating 45,000 jobs reports World Environmemt News.  The project will be sited on 160,000 hectares in the Tunisian desert some 500 km (310 miles) sou


by Dr. Radut