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December 2010

Issue date: 
December 9th, 2010

REDD+: The movement towards voluntary markets, and sub-national action.

The heavy interest in REDD+ projects is palpable here in Cancun.  What is not so evident is that the compliance markets are going to be ready to move the REDD+ agenda forward.  Even if an agreement comes out of this COP, it will effectively be authorizing the technical working groups to begin

Issue date: 
December 8, 2010

Saving Forests with a Sense of Place

I was in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca during one of Mexico’s best-known traditions, the Day of the Dead.

Issue date: 
07 December 2010

Building effective pro-poor REDD-plus interventions

IUCN has published a brochure on the contributions that enhanced multi-stakeholder dialogues can make to more effective and equitable REDD-plus planning.

Issue date: 
15 Apr 2010

India has more mobile phones than toilets: UN report

India's mobile subscribers totalled 563.73 million at the last count, enough to serve nearly half of the country's 1.2 billion population.

Issue date: 
December 9, 2010

Who are the important people regarding U.S. REDD program?

U.S. government’s plans on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)

The four speakers included

Issue date: 
December 9, 2010

Climate: Speaking the Truth on Avoided Deforestation and Warming in Cancún

Issue date: 
December 2010

Lessons learnt from FLEGT for REDD draft Summary

Destruction of forests is a significant contributor to climate change. Preserving forests helps mitigate global warming. These two facts explain why halting deforestation is a central part of much of the current negotiations on climate change, with an international binding forest climate agreement, or REDD+, forming a key part of discussions. Yet, such an agreement, even if well-designed, cannot by itself save the forests. Without reducing greenhouse gas emissions by between 85 and 95 percent by 2050, many forests, along with many other ecosystems, will be lost.
Issue date: 
9 December 2010

Norway Spells Out Plan to Fund Kyoto Protocol

A DECISION by the Norwegian government to negotiate post Kyoto Protocol with other countries bilaterally is aimed at sending a strong message to international community that Oslo is committed to address causes of green house gas emissions blamed for causing global warming.

Issue date: 
December 09, 2010

As Cancun rumbles on, a closer look at the deforestation text

We're now heading into crunch time in Cancun, and suffice it to say that the ultimate fate of everything remains utterly unclear.

Issue date: 
Dec 10, 2010

Finland to fund sustainable energy from forests in Indonesia


by Dr. Radut