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Reduction of emission from deforestation and degradation

Issue date: 
June 20, 2012

The governance of REDD+: an institutional analysis in the Asia Pacific region and beyond

June, 2012. Tim Cadman & Tek Maraseni. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol 55 (5). DOI:10.1080/09640568.2011.619851


Issue date: 
23 August, 2012

World Bank Forest Investment Programme challenged to respect indigenous peoples' rights in Peru

Issue date: 
April, 2012

Financing options to support REDD+ activities

This report has been prepared for the DG “Climate Action” of the European Commission.

Issue date: 
13 August 2012

Ghana: Eight Million for Reducing Deforestation in Ghana

There are indications that the country could be benefitting from an eight million Cedi (GHC8 million) monetary support from the Embassy of Switzerland for the implementation of anti-deforestation initiatives in Ghana.

Issue date: 
August 14th, 2012

REDD+ opens up new opportunities for forest product management in the Amazon

The emergence of subnational REDD+ projects in southwestern Amazonia is showing potential for multiple-use management of non-timber forest products, particularly Brazil nuts, and forest carbon.

Issue date: 
13 August 2012

Liberia: Several Recommendations Advanced for Good Redd Policy

Several civil society groups and local community from across nine counties have called on the Government of Liberia (GOL) to institute a REDD program that would ensure the provision of community benefits such as funding for development initiatives.

Issue date: 
Aug 10, 2012

Growing benefits from forest carbon projects

Corporate responsibility managers should take a look at forest carbon offset projects to maximize return on investment in climate, biodiversity, and community benefits

Issue date: 
August 16, 2012

Mozambique resists external pressures and drafts own REDD+ strategy

Mozambique has taken a “remarkable” approach to reducing deforestation, engaging local communities and other stakeholders that will be most directly affected and drafting its own forest conservation strategy rather than relying on external consultants.

Issue date: 
July 19, 2012

OPIC/Terra Global REDD Insurance Project in Cambodia Wins Sustainable Forestry Award

The first political risk insurance contract for a Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) project, provided by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to Terra Global Capital

Issue date: 

UK fund targets CO2 credits from areas in Brazil’s Amazon

The Brazilian Amazon state of Amapa has given a British investment fund the right to draw up avoided deforestation projects for an area covering 1.3 million hectares, the latest in a string of deals in the region.


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by Dr. Radut