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External News

Issue date: 
24th September 2012

Investment guide to 'triple win' from locally controlled forestry

A detailed discussion between investors and forest rights-holders, have resulted in new guidance for investments that can create a 'triple win' of returns for investors, livelihood security for local communities and protection for forests.

Issue date: 
25 September 2012

Notorious Malaysian Company Surfaces in Liberia

A comprehensive investigation by this paper has unearthed that a notorious Malaysian logging company (Samling) has surfaced in Liberia as a business partner to a Liberian logging company Atlantic Resources.Atlantic Resources is owned by Mr.

Issue date: 
Sep. 25, 2012

Agriculture Is the Direct Driver for Worldwide Deforestation

A new synthesis on drivers of deforestation and forest degradation was published during the Bangkok climate change negotiations in September by researchers from Canada and from Wageningen University, Netherlands.

Issue date: 
25 September 2012

New Way to Capture Carbon: More Forests

A proposal from the timber industry in the United Kingdom to increase fo

Issue date: 
August 23, 2012

Forests need help

The unanimous decision of the special committee on timber sup-ply to support an increase of logging in "marginally economic forests" and in old-growth reserves previously ruled off limits to logging is outrageous.

Issue date: 
22 Aug 2012

MLAs Blow Chance to Help Us See BC's Next Forest Industry

The Special Legislative Committee on Timber Supply has completed their report intended to help the forest sector and communities impac

Issue date: 
August 21, 2012

MLAs aren't facing the truth: B.C. forests are tapped out

Since May, when a special committee of the legislature was appointed to address a looming "timber supply" crisis, questions have arisen about what the committee would say about one community in particular.

Committee recommends measures to increase timber supply

VICTORIA –The Special Committee on Timber Supply today released its unanimous report making 22 recommendations to increase the supply and value of mid-term timber and to strengthen future forest management in the B.C. Central Interior.

Issue date: 
August 1, 2012

More logging won't cure trade's ills

Issue date: 
August 29, 2012

Laos shares land and forestry management goals

Land and forestry is the primary resource of the nation, and needs to be managed properly in order to improve local people's living conditions and further socio-economic development in Laos. 


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by Dr. Radut