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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
Decemper 12, 2009

It's half-time at Copenhagen

REDD (the deforestation issue) continues to be in pretty good shape and move forward – to the surprise and pleasure of all.

Temperate and Boreal Forests - still a considerable carbon sink!

A new report states that boreal forests store nearly twice as much carbon as tropical forests per hectare: a fact which researchers say should make the conservation of boreal forests as important as tropical in climate change negotiations.

France at loggerheads with EU allies on forests

COPENHAGEN — France clashed with other EU nations Thursday over how to calculate carbon emissions absorbed and emitted by forests, a key component of a climate deal (called LULUCF - Land use, Land use change and Forestry) being hammered out at UN talks in Copenhagen.

Carbon Capitalists Warming to Climate Market Using Derivatives


REDD - a climate change mitigation strategy on a critical track

There is a myth about REDD funds, it tells about a lot of funds for many countries.

Forestry's Growing Role in Carbon Finance

One of the bright spots at the Copenhagen climate change summit could be the establishment of a scheme to protect forests and their carbon-absorbing capacity

Issue date: 
November 27, 2009

Benefits from REDD unrealistic

The PNG Forest Industries Association recently released a comprehensive report on the economic importance of land use in the country.

Issue date: 
November 25, 2009

Voluntary Carbon Markets for dummies

LONDON (Reuters) - Buyers of offsets in the global voluntary carbon market are showing increased interest in so-called exotic and U.S. credits, market players said on Wednesday.

REDD on track for Copenhagen

A number of issues still need to be resolved, but the scheme on reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) is likely to make progress at the climate conference, says the chairman of the REDD talks within the UN climate negotiations. The potential is an agreement on a carbon trading scheme worth billions of dollars a year from 2013.
"I think it's a foregone conclusion that REDD will be part of the new agreement. Ironically it's actually the most advanced now," says Tony La Vina, chair of the REDD negotiations, to Reuters.

Issue date: 
November 20, 2009

Faulty systems at the Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

As the Bank seeks to position itself as the vehicle of choice for future climate finance, the experience of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) calls its competence into question.


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by Dr. Radut