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May 2009

Forest Products Industry CEO's on how to reboot global economy

APP and the certification issue

What is APP doing in Indonesia? Is APP still holding FSC certificate, has it changed to PEFC or does it own both cerificates?

A new pulp mill in Uruguay?

May 18, 2009 - Stora Enso and Arauco have signed a definitive purchase agreement with the Spanish pulp producer Grupo ENCE for the joint acquisition on a 50/50 basis of approximately 130,000 hectares of owned land and plantations, 6 000 hectares of leased lands and other operations owned by Grupo ENCE in the central and western areas of Uruguay. 

Indonesian P&P industry up!

Is the US interested in REDD?

House panel approves climate change bill

Reporting by Tom Doggett and Richard Cowan, Source:  Copyright 2009, Reuters, Date:  May 21, 2009
Original URL

Money doesn't grow on trees

Money doesn't grow on trees, but bioenergy might

Climate change. Recycling. Bioenergy. Sustainability. The agenda for PricewaterhouseCoopers' 22nd Annual Global Forest and Paper Industry Conference in mid-May read like it could have been written for a Greenpeace meeting.

Vietnam P&P production up!

Origin of text

Paper production increases 12%


Energieholzpreise im Höhenflug

19. Mai 2009: Hawkins Wright hat den ersten Bericht über weltweite Energieholzpreise veröffentlicht (in Englisch) - The Forest Energy Monitor(Text aus Archiv als Download, 1.8 MB).

Energy wood prices at same level as pulpwood prices

19th of May 2009: Hawkins Wright has published the first report about Forest Energy - The Forest Energy Monitor (Text from archive for Downlo

The World bank's strategy on forests and climate change

Gerhard Dieterle (World Bank Forest Advisor), Civil society event at the World bank spring meetings 2009, 24 April

By 2050 it is believed that 75% of fiber will be grown in fast growing plantations.
There are opportunities in this for developing countries, however the revenues must stay in the countries to be beneficial.


by Dr. Radut