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June 2009

Forestry returns outperform the rest over three years

London, 24th June 2009: Investment in forestry outperformed domestic commercial property and equities last year, producing a positive annual total return of 7.0%, eclipsed only by bonds, according to the IPD UK Forestry Index.By comparison, UK commercial property delivered -22.11%; UK equities returned -29.92%, while listed property companies and trusts were the most vulnerable to the global market downturn, returning -46.63% over 2008. Bonds, however, gained 154%.

Wood chip import prices to Japan at record highs in the 4Q/08

June 25th, 2009: Wood fiber consumption by the Japanese pulp industry reached a record high in 2008. Over 72 percent of the consumed wood chips were imported, most from hardwood plantations in the Southern Hemisphere. The costs of imported wood chips have increased substantially the past three years, reaching their highest level in at least 20 years during the 4Q/08 reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.*

Washington to sell tab water to the middle east?

Jun 25, 2009 : The Cosmopolis pulp mill, located near Aberdeen in Washington state, was closed by Weyerhaeuser in 2005. The city of Aberdeen now has 30 million gallons of water a day available that the pulp mill no longer requires.

UK kicks Climate debate in front of Copenhagen

Gordon Brown puts $100bn price tag on climate adaptation. Prime minister attempts to move stalling political talks on global warming away from targets and towards the cost of mitigation.

US-Repräsentantenhaus segnet Gesetzesentwurf zum Klimaschutz ab

Freitag, 26. Juni 2009: Der Gesetzesentwurf zum Klimaschutz (HR 2454) passierte mit 219 zu 212 Stimmen das US-Repräsentantenhaus wobei 8 Republikaner dafür und 44 Demokraten dagegen gestimmt haben.

US Climate Change Bill on the way to support REDD

Friday, 26th of June 2009: The bill (HR 2454) passed 219-212, with eight Republican "yes" votes tipping the balance. Forty-four Democrats voted against the bill.

Carbon trade or tax?

Britain’s faith in carbon trading as a way of reducing greenhouse gases could be dangerously misplaced, according to an independent academic working with the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Newsprint still vital

Origin of text

By Chris Cook, Deputy Editor, PPI Pulp & Paper Week, RISI

SAN FRANCISCO, June 12, 2009 - At a speech in Barcelona the other day, World Association of Newspapers (WAN) president Gavin O'Reilly had an upbeat message for newspaper executives from more than 50 countries who had come to exchange ideas on business strategies for the future.

  • 1.9 billion people read a paid daily newspaper every day
  • Newspapers reach 41% more adults than the world wide web
  • More adults read a newspaper every day than people eat a Big Mac every year

Radioaktive Holzpellets aus Litauen?

Sonntag, 14.6.2009: In Italien sind 10.000 Tonnen Holzpellets aus Litauen wegen möglicher radioaktiver Verschmutzung vom Markt genommen worden. Wie die italienische Tageszeitung "La Stampa" heute berichtete, wurde die Rückrufaktion am Vortag von der Staatsanwaltschaft im norditalienischen Aosta angeordnet.

Radioactive wood pellets from Lithuania?

Sunday, 14th of June 2009: An Italian court has ordered the recall of 10,000 tonnes of wood fuel pellets imported from Lithuania over fears that they could have dangerous levels of radioactivity, newspapers reported on Sunday.


by Dr. Radut