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June 2009

Russland wird den Zoll auf Holzexporte nicht erhöhen

...für Finnland

Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009:

Vladimir Putin bestätigte gestern das Aussetzen der Erhöhung des Zolls auf die Ausfuhr von Rundholz aus Russland nach Finnland.

Beide Regierungen haben ein Handelsabkommen über Rundholzexporte geschlossen - berichtet das Russische Handelsbüro "Runa"

Russia will not increase roundwood export duties

...for Finland

Wednesday, June 10th 2009:

Vladimir Putin just confirmed not to rise export duties on roundwood for Finland as long as the economic downturn crises lasts.

Both Governments concluded a bilateral timber trade commitment reports Business Support Bureau "Runa"

Monday, 10th of August 2009:

President Dmitry Medvedev called for “intensified talks” with Finland

REDD carbon trading - the next bluff of finance markets?

LONDON/NUSA DUA, Indonesia (Reuters) - It could save the rainforests of Borneo, slow climate change and the international community backs it. But a plan to pay tropical countries not to chop down trees risks being discredited by opportunists even before it starts.


by Dr. Radut