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Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Russia provides 1/3 of timber import in China

Issue date: 
January 20th, 2011

North American log and lumber exports to China up over 150% in 2010

China has come to the rescue for many sawmills and timberland owners in the US and Canada the past year.

Issue date: 
January 6, 2011

US and Canadian log and lumber exports to China up over 150 percent in 2010

Seattle, USA, Jan 6, 2011 - China has come to the rescue for many sawmills and timberland owners in the US and Canada the past year. The value of softwood logs and lumber shipped from North America to China is estimated to reach over 1.6 billion US dollar in 2010, which is up dramatically from just a few years ago. In 2008, total exports were valued at 350 million dollars, while they were only 125 million dollars five years ago.

Issue date: 
January 5, 2011

Finish roundwood cartel led to losses over one billion Euros for private owners

Finnish Yle reports on a raw timber cartel, which operated in Finland between 1997-2004. Forest Research Institute Metla estimates the value of direct losses for private forest owners to over one billion Euros. The indirect losses reached a few hundred million Euros.

Issue date: 
December 29, 2010

Wood prices in Canadian East much higher than in the West

Over the past 20 years, pulp mills in Eastern Canada have consistently had higher wood fiber costs than the mills in the Western provinces with the exception of a short period in 1995, according to the North American Wood Fiber Review.

Issue date: 
December 24, 2010

Swedish Forest Society Doubts the Russian Wood Tariff Reduction

Swedish Forest Society's timber manager Magnus Juntikka is critical to the speculation about the lower Russian wood tariffs.

Issue date: 
December 18, 2010

Swedish Forest Society export timber to Finland

The forest society will load 2500 cubic meters of timber from the province on a cargo ship to Finland.

Issue date: 
December 15, 2010

Sawlog costs in Europe have gone up more than lumber prices

Seattle, USA. Over the past year, the sawmilling sector in Europe has shifted from high production levels and the highest lumber prices in four years, to weakening lumber demand and reduced prices for many lumber grades during this fall.

Issue date: 
December 3rd, 2010

EU - Russia deal could end log export tariffs

Reuters reported this week that Russia and the European Union struck a deal on Wednesday to phase out Russian export tariffs on raw materials.This is designed to smooth the way for Moscow’s entry into the WTO.

Issue date: 
November 26th, 2010

New Zealand Log Prices - November 2010

Supply and demand in China, New Zealand’s major export log market, appears to be reaching a balance. As such, in-market prices for New Zealand logs in China and Korea have slowed from the rapid rises witnessed through September and October.


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by Dr. Radut