VANCOUVER — China's appetite for British Columbia lumber grew at a record pace in 2009 in volume and value, providing sawmillers here with a needed new market to counter stumbling American demand.
B.C.'s forests minister questions report predicting decline of forest industry
VANCOUVER, B.C. - British Columbia's forests minister says the outlook for the lumber sector in the province's Interior, ravaged by the mountain pine beetle, isn't as pessimistic as an industry report issued this week.
The Feb. 27 Chilean earthquake did enough damage to that country's forest products industry to spark global shortages that are pushing prices higher in Canada.
An isolated First Nations region on the northern British Columbia coast is emerging as a new economic powerhouse, leading the rebirth of the forest industry in that part of the province.
Between 2000 and 2005, Chinese timber imports tripled from 10 million to 30 million cubic metres. The import of sawn solid wood products also experienced a similar trend. During the second quarter of 2009, China was the world’s second-biggest importer of sawn softwood products.
As 2009 came to a close, Canfor Corp. announced it would invest $16 million to upgrade its Chetwynd sawmill for a planned re-opening this spring.
After a 20-month shutdown, the restart will put about 70 people back to work.
Global softwood lumber markets were mixed in 2009 - up in China and Africa, while slow in the US
( Seattle, USA. Softwood lumber markets continued to be weak in Japan and the US during the 3Q/09, but have improved in Europe and, surprisingly, northern Africa, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly.
New Zealand 2010: Timber shortage expected to bump up prices by 10%
The cost of building timber will rise by up to 10 per cent from next month due to a severe supply shortage and booming international demand for New Zealand pine.
Size matters: B.C. lumber sales to China suffer - B.C. not cutting export wood to lengths that the Chinese prefer
SHANGHAI — British Columbia has only a small slice of the growing Chinese lumber market because most forest companies are shipping lumber cut to North American — not Chinese — specifications.