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Issue date: 
October 22, 2012

Turning Forests into Carbon Banks

For decades, Lock Haven, Pa., has secured its municipal water supply from 5,200 acres of city-owned forest in northern Pennsylvania’s Appalachian Mountains. In the past, the city kept its water rates down by logging hemlock, hardwoods and other timber from the property.

Issue date: 
October 16, 2012

UN emissions credits sink to record low as demand wilts

United Nations Certified Emission Reductions dropped to their lowest ever as German power for 2013 fell to a record amid Europe’s continued debt crisis.

Issue date: 
October 15, 2012

Germany Beats Fast-Start Finance Commitment But Sees Need For More Scale

Developed countries have been uneven at best in defining 

Issue date: 
11 Oct 2012

Investment in UN's carbon scheme to 'dry up' as prices plunge

UN carbon credits could be worth just 50 euro cents by the end of the decade due to a huge oversupply of allowances, hitting investment in its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), analysts Thomson Reuters Point Carbon warned yesterday.

Issue date: 
26 July 2012

UNFCCC Releases Technical Paper on Financing Options for REDD+

26 July 2012: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a technical paper (FCCC/TP/2012/3) on financing options for the full implementation of results-based actions relating to the activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in

Ever wondered how REDD+ really works?

"Developed countries have vowed to help the developing world get up to speed on REDD, and many say they’re putting up billions towards the effort. Few, however, have actually followed through on their promises, and those who say they have aren’t doing a good job of proving it. The REDD+ Expenditures Tracking Project aims to change that."

There is a nice article at the Website of Ecosystem Marketplace from Kelli Barrett. I just start to cite the first paragraph - read further at there site:

Issue date: 
Aug 24 2012

Brazil Perfects Monitoring of Amazon Carbon Emissions

A new system to calculate the amount of greenhouse gases generated by deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon jungle region has come at a good time for assessing the effects of the reform of the country’s forest code.

The new satellite system optimises government monitoring of forests.

Issue date: 
23 August, 2012

Indigenous Peoples and the Green Climate Fund

On the occasion of the first Board meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and Jaringan Orang Asal Se-Malaysia (JOAS) are pub

Issue date: 
August 7, 2012

First Meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board

When: Aug 23 - 25, 2012

Where: Geneva, Switzerland

Organized By: Green Climate Fund


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by Dr. Radut