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Woodworking industry

Issue date: 
July 12th, 2012

More about the Ontario Wood program

Last year, Ontario unveiled a new “Ontario Wood” program to promote Ontario grown wood to consumers.

Issue date: 
March 29, 2012

EBRD: Promoting sustainable forestry from Bratislava to Vladivostok

Our forests are a vital source of life to plants, animals and humans alike. Their trees do not merely provide a habitat for many species, but they also make the air clean and mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.

Issue date: 
18 June 2012

FMO signs first contract in Sustainable Forestry

Issue date: 
June 22, 2012

Wood demonstration project openings and events in BC

The B.C.

Issue date: 
June 12, 2012

British Columbia’s Special Committee on Timber Supply consultation schedule

The British Columbia Special Committee on Timber Supply has announced its plans for conducting community and provincial consultations.

Issue date: 
May 25th, 2012

Devon Lumber in Fredericton has wood chips piled 2 storeys high and no buyers

Harry Gill, president of Devon Lumber Company in Fredericton, New Brunswick, said he has no market for his wood chips now that so many pulp mills are shut down in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, and Quebec.

Issue date: 
May 14, 2012

When, where and how wood is used impact carbon emissions from logging

A new study from the University of California, Davis, provides a deeper understanding of the complex global impacts of deforestation on greenhouse gas emissions.

Issue date: 
May 15th, 2012

ROTTNE INDUSTRY AB and Russia - Biggest ever order

ROTTNE INDUSTRY AB has signed one of its biggest order ever. A Russian company has ordered forestry equipment worth over 40 million. Deliveries will be made in three stages during 2012.

Issue date: 
17 April 2012

Forester slams sustainable forest management claims

Claims of sustainable management of Guyana’s forests made by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment are false even for one of the best-known timbers, says John Palmer, a Senior Associate of the Forest Management Trust.

Issue date: 
April 20, 2012

Province considers 'option' of over-riding chief forester to supply mills with timber

A leaked Ministry of Forests document reveals a proposal that the B.C. government override the top official charged with managing the province's forests to find a timber supply for Burns Lake.


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by Dr. Radut