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Woodworking industry

Issue date: 

Zeit reif für Holzhochhäuser

Seit zehn Jahren gibt es an der Innsbrucker Universität einen Lehrstuhl für Holzbau. Bei Einfamilienhäusern hat sich die Holzbauweise in vielen Bereichen durchgesetzt, laut den Wissenschaftlern sei die Zeit für mehrstöckige Gebäude reif.

Issue date: 

Österreichs erstes „Holzzinshaus“

In der Wagramer Straße in der Donaustadt entsteht Österreichs erstes sechsgeschoßiges „Holzzinshaus“. Darin untergebracht sind 101 geförderte Mietwohnungen. Die Bauarbeiten laufen bereits.

Issue date: 

Das weltweite vertikale Rennen

„Urbane Wälder“ aus Holzbauten statt Betondschungel? Geht es nach dem kanadischen Architekten Michael Green könnte Holz - der wohl ökologischste Baustoff - bald eine viel größere Rolle beim Bau von Hochhäusern spielen.

Issue date: 
March 29th, 2012

Canada’s plan for Forestry Innovation in Canada’s 2012 Budget

The Government of Canada presented their Budget today for 2012 and beyond.

Here is the information from today’s budget for “Forestry Innovation and Market Development Support“.

Issue date: 
26 March, 2012

Natural teak forests decline, while planted teak forests increase

6 March, 2012, Rome - The results of a new FAO global Teak Resources and Market Assessment conducted in 60 tropical countries show that natural teak forests are declining worldwide and that the quality of natural gro

Issue date: 
March 19th, 2012

Just more red tape?

TRADA Technology principal consultant Elizabeth Turner discusses the impact the EU Timber Regulation will have on timber specification and supply

Issue date: 

Credit crunch boosts lumber prices

A new report has suggested that US lumber prices have received a boost from an unexpected source – the credit crunch.

Issue date: 
March 25, 2012

Forest industry applauds move toward free trade with Japan

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is welcoming the announcement that Canada intends to develop a free trade agreement with Japan.

Issue date: 
Mrz. 26, 2012

Global tree farms becoming more diverse

SEATTLE, WA, Mrz. 26, 2012 (RISI) - After five years, and repeated requests by clients, Dennis Neilson and I spent much of the last six months updating our in-depth look at investments in plantation forestry around the world.

Issue date: 
21 March 2012

ITTO, FAO Workshop Addresses Global Forest Reporting

21 March 2012: The proceedings of a joint workshop organized by the International Tropical Timber Or


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by Dr. Radut