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Woodworking industry

Issue date: 
December 7th, 2011

Softwood dumping investigation

The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service has launched anti-dumping procedures against softwood lumber imports from Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Canada, and the USA.

Issue date: 
November 18th, 2011

Wood First commitments in 40 local governments in B.C.

British Columbia’s Wood Enterprise Coalition (WEC) today congratulated Regional District of Kootenay Boundary on the passage of its new Wood First Resolution in support of the province’s Wood First Act – making it the 40th local government in BC to pass a Wood Fi

Issue date: 
Nov 9, 2011

Forest Industry Applauds Government for Promoting Canadian Wood in Asia

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is pleased that the Minister of Natural Resources, Joe Oliver, has promoted Canadian wood frame construction as environmentally friendly and energy efficient during his trip to China.

Minister Oliver attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the completion of China's first four-storey wood frame structure, a joint Canada-China project using Canadian lumber, located in the Tianjin Economic Development area.

Issue date: 
08 November 2011

Olympic athletes to train on timber from 'endangered' forests

Issue date: 
November 11, 2011

Bamboo and Climate Change Mitigation

This report attempts to address the main issues which influence how bamboo should be seen within the climate change context.

Issue date: 
28 October, 2011

The importance of the domestic timber trade for FLEGT and REDD

ropenbos International would like to invite you to an informal networking event on 23 November 2011, to learn about the practical dilemmas of regulating domestic timber markets.

Issue date: 
November 3, 2011

Wood WORKS! Award Winners Announced: wood design solutions for diverse building types showcased

OTTAWA, Nov. 3, 2011 /CNW/ - An elite group of Ontario's leading architects, engineers, and project teams received Wood Design Awards at the 11th annual Wood WORKS! awards celebration.

UNECE Region forest products markets rebound after two years of falling production and consumption

UNECE Timber Committee Statement on  Forest Products Markets in 2011 and 2012
Adopted on 14 October 2011
The Committee reviewed developments in forest products markets as reported in the Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2010-2011, as well as experts’ presentations, country market statements and forecasts.
UNECE Region forest products markets rebound after two years of falling production and consumptionForest Products contributing to the green economy
I. Overview of forest products markets in 2011 and 2012

Issue date: 
October 26, 2011

Forest Sector Backs City of Ottawa Commitment on Green Construction


SCA and Södra to cut timber production

SCA Timber is curtailing sawmill production by 10% for the rest of the year.

Most of the production limitation is connected with the Christmas and New Year holidays.


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by Dr. Radut