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October 2011

Issue date: 
Oct 28, 2011

New version of Pan-European Forest Map available

Earth Observation data are regarded as a cost-efficient means for locating different types of vegetation cover at the ground level. Two different earth-observation products (Kempeneers et al. 2011 and Schuck et al. 2002 / Päivinen et al.

Issue date: 
Oct 28, 2011

Climate Conversations - Green the economy to check environmental degradation

In Pakistan, environmental degradation is both a cause and consequence of different socio-economic problems including deepening poverty, declining performance of different crops and worsening problems with human and crop diseases.

Issue date: 
Oct 28, 2011

International softwood markets 2011 - future developments remain uncertain

Following a partial recovery of the markets for sawn softwood in 2010, and fairly good sales in the first half of 2011, the markets for sawn softwood production and consumption have slowed down again, tempering the expectations for 2011 and 2012, in particular in Europe, as delegates at the 6th I

Issue date: 
July 15, 2011

Japan selects new batch of bilateral offset projects

Japan’s Environment Ministry said on Thursday that it has adopted 29 carbon projects under a bilateral offset mechanism, as part of nation’s efforts to achieve its climate goal to cut emissions.
The projects were selected from among 77 proposals made between April 28 and May 26 and cover such areas as waste management, transport, energy savings and avoided deforestation and degradation, the ministry said in a statement.

Dr. Peter Kolb discusses Sustainable Forestry, German-style

How German the sustainable forest management (SFM) system is recognized by the US - spend the time to watch - and have a lough!

Issue date: 
October 18, 2011

Forests to tree farms

We are losing our natural forests to tree plantations yet on paper, all is well because these plantations are considered ‘forests’.

Issue date: 
Sept. 29, 2011

Finns contest “worst” sustainable forestry record claim

A Finnish forests executive has dismissed an environmental group’s report which listed Finland as having the world’s worst sustainable forestry management record.

Issue date: 
Sept. 29, 2011

USDA Study Shows Economic and Environmental Benefits of Wood as Green Building Material

WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) welcomes a study by the U.S.

Issue date: 
September 26th, 2011

REDD+ potential funds reach up to Rp270 trillion: CIFOR

The potential flow of funds from advanced nations to developing countries to deal with deforestation through REDD+ programs is estimated to reach up to US$30 billion or Rp270 trillion annually, according to the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Issue date: 
05 September 2011

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), continues to invest in Guyana’s forestry sector

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization country representative Dr. Lystra Fletcher-Paul said this is aimed at addressing local needs and national priorities which reflect internationally agreed principles.


by Dr. Radut