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Wir bieten Managementberatung für gesamte forstwirtschaftliche Wertschöpfungkette vom Urproduzenten bis zum Endverbraucher. Unsere langjährigen Erfahrung erlaubt es uns, erfolgsentscheidende soziale, ökologsiche oder ökonomsiche Einflussgrößen in Ihrem Betrieb detailliert und präzise zu identifizieren um entsprechnde Führungsmaßnahmen zu treffen. Dadurch helfen wir unseren Kunden strategische Chancen schnell zu nutzen und möglichen Problemen vorzeitig aus dem Wege zu gehen.

Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst auch Strategieentwicklung sowie deren Umsetzung im Bereich der Forst-und Holzwirtschaft innerhalb der einzelnen Wertschöpfungsebenen aber auch zwischen den Ebenen. So helfen wir unseren Kunden neue Märkte in der Holzverwendung zu erschließen oder aber zukünftige Entwicklungen der Holzmärkte abzuschätzen.

Durch die Kombination unserer überragenden Branchenkenntnisse und unseres Management Know-Hows mit bewährten Methoden zum nachhaltigen Schutz von Ökosystemen und der Biodiversität unterstützen wir unsere Kunden bei der Zertifizierung ihrer Wälder oder Plantagen sowie bei der angeschlossenen chain of custody.

Wir ergänzen mit unserem umfasenden branchenspezifischen Wissen nahtlos die Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter unserer Kunden. Unsere Arbeitsmethoden reichen von der technischen Analyse bis zur Prozessoptimierung, von Sparring- bis hin zu Szenarioworkshops. Wir arbeiten in jeder Organsiationsebne.

Unser einigartiges Wissen um den gesamten Forstsektor ermöglicht es uns, schon die geringsten Vorzeichen einer Veränderung im Geschäftsumfeld unserer Kunden entsprechend zu interpretieren und mit dem Kunden gemeinsam nach einer Lösung zu suchen.


Etwas über die Hintergründe zur mitteleuropäischen Forstwirtschaft finden Sie hier

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-07-24 12:33 |

From Europe and the US to South America. Discover our innovative solutions that span from logyard to secondary processing. Contact our team in advance to arrange a comprehensive consultation at a trade fair near you and learn how our cutting-edge technology can provide you the most economical & sustainable wood utilization.


Holzmesse – Klagenfurt (AT), 28-31 August

The International Wood Fair is Austria...

--- NYT Logging Industry ---

2024-07-12 11:01 | Land restored by local residents in Borneo drew an array of wildlife after nonprofit groups first addressed the needs of nearby villagers.

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-07-09 08:40 |

#GLAD2024, The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) has revealed more plans for Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) on 18 July.

A multidimensional campaign has been running since the turn of the year, with LEEA members, manufacturers, and suppliers leading those sharing material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting across the world. Social media posts, videos, articles, and in-person activity are bound together by the hashtag, #GLAD2024. However, it all builds to...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-07-04 12:48 |

The 20th FinnMETKO exhibition will be held in Jämsä on 29–31 August 2024. You are welcome to visit our stand 862 and see our new forestry solutions and services, as well as our new product range. We will also arrange several logging demos every day.

We will demonstrate new features to support forest machine operators’ daily work and to assist forestry entrepreneurs to follow up on the fleet’s profitability and productivity.

We are also presenting a fossil-free...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-07-02 12:46 |

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) has moved products, inspection, and training to the front of its Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) campaign.

As #GLAD2024 approaches on Thursday 18 July, LEEA is sharpening its focus on the importance of surrounding these three cornerstones of lifting with high quality.

GLAD is an established event where its members, manufacturers, and suppliers lead those sharing material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting...

--- NYT Logging Industry ---

2024-06-21 21:33 | Un estudio revela que la explotación forestal ha causado graves daños a los bosques boreales de Ontario y Quebec, dos importantes regiones madereras comerciales del país.

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-06-18 12:11 |


I explored some ideas in Editors Comment about how to save the rainforest in the June July 2023 issue – (How much money is needed to save the rainforest? ) and Oct Nov 2023 – (The rich can go a long way to saving the planet).

Researching for this article I came across the relatively new ‘The Earth Fund’ which was created by a commitment of $10 billion from Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon. After what appears to be relatively quiet start they have recently bounced into action...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-06-13 12:55 |

Combilift, a global leader in material handling solutions, is proud to announce the launch of its new National Forklift Safety campaign, “Lift Your Standards by Lowering Your Load.” This initiative aims to enhance awareness and promote best practices in forklift safety across industries.


Forklift safety is of paramount importance to...

--- NYT Logging Industry ---

2024-06-06 11:00 | Officials in Oregon say they need to cut trees, including some healthy ones. The reaction shows how complex land management has become as forest health declines.

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-06-03 13:25 |

Following the launch of five new models in its 25th anniversary year in 2023, Irish Materials Handling Specialist Combilift has already announced the premiere of yet another innovation. The Combi-CLL (Container Log-Loader) was recently exhibited at EXPO Richmond 2024, one of America’s leading trade shows for the forest products industry.

The concept and operation of the Combi-CLL is based on that of the Combi-CSS (Container Slip Sheet), which has been successfully deployed across...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-06-03 13:16 |

From Log to Lumber with One Operator

The lumber industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution, and SAWBOX is leading the way with its groundbreaking ability to turn logs into lumber with just one operator.

This innovative sawmill solution is designed to meet the needs of modern wood processing operations, providing a compact, automated system that ensures efficient, high quality lumber production. Most importantly, the SAWBOX allows you to process...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-06-03 10:37 |

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) has moved products, inspection, and training to the front of its Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) campaign.

As #GLAD2024 approaches on Thursday 18 July, LEEA is sharpening its focus on the importance of surrounding these three cornerstones of lifting with high quality.

GLAD is an established event where its members, manufacturers, and suppliers lead those sharing material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-05-28 13:54 |

OTTAWA/GATINEAU – The anticipation is palpable as DEMO International, the premier forestry equipment exhibition, gears up to make its mark in the picturesque capital region of Ottawa/Gatineau from September 17-21, 2024. Organized by the Canadian Woodlands Forum, DEMO International is the quintessential event for forestry professionals, showcasing the latest innovations and technologies in action amidst the stunning...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-05-23 12:02 |

To expand its range of wireless and radio remote controls, crane and hoist control specialist CP Automation has agreed a new partnership with Tele Radio in the UK and Ireland. After two years of conversation and negotiation, the two companies are now officially partners. Following the new agreement, CP Automation will now supply the Swedish...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-05-16 13:07 |

Södra has decided to invest in a battery-electric long-haul truck in its daily logistics chain for transporting woodchips. Using self-produced, fossil-free electricity to charge the woodchip truck, the environmental footprint from these transport operations will be dramatically reduced. The electric woodchip truck is supplied by Scania and represents a milestone in Södra’s long-term goal of transitioning to fossil-free transportation.

Today, road transport plays a key role in the...

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-05-09 13:29 |

Granted since 1954, the iF DESIGN AWARD is one of the most significant and prestigious design awards in the world. The globally recognised iF DESIGN AWARD is considered a symbol of outstanding design. The award winners will be celebrated at the iF DESIGN AWARD NIGHT 2024 event at Friedrichstadt-Palast in Berlin in Germany on Monday 29 April 2024.

The jury paid particular attention to the functionality and usability of the PONSSE Opti 5G...

--- NYT Logging Industry ---

2024-05-05 23:44 | Varias empresas quieren crear una nueva industria que pueda hacer que los árboles, que almacenan el carbono que calienta al planeta, sean más lucrativos que la mayor causa de deforestación mundial: la ganadería.

--- NYT Logging Industry ---

2024-05-02 14:00 | Cattle ranches have ruled the Amazon for decades. Now, new companies are selling something else: the ability of trees to lock away planet-warming carbon.

--- NYT Logging Industry ---

2024-04-29 11:01 | An audacious federal plan to protect the spotted owl would eradicate hundreds of thousands of barred owls in the coming years.

--- International Forest Industries ---

2024-04-22 11:56 |

Koskisen has invested in a new log sorting line with a Logeye for their state of the art sawmill in Järvelä.

The Logeye is a multi-sensor scanner that utilizes laser, colour, and X-ray channels to provide a high-precision real 360° shape of the log with a wealth of data for log sorting and cutting optimization. The Logeye has a high precision both in over and under bark detection, as well as log inner properties, making it a great choice and a successful product for the northern...


Page | by Dr. Radut