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Brazilian timber output halves in 10 years

Ten-year figures for the Brazilian timber industry show that production in the Amazon has fallen by 50 per cent.

The figures were published in a study carried out by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and the Institute of Man and Environment (Imazon), entitled 'Logging Activities in the Brazilian Amazon.'

They show that in 1998, roundwood production in the region was 28.3 million cubic metres while the figures for 2009 show total production to be only 14.2 million cubic metres.

Issue date: 
26 July 2010

Export duties on roundwood: Russia vs. EU

According to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Russia is to come to the terms in the field of export duties on roundwood. Moreover, Russia itself offered the EU to significantly increase  export duties on deciduous wood.

Russia is ready to increase export duties by tens %. It will mostly concern birch that is widely used in the Finnish industry, whereas in Russia this kind of wood is not practically processed by the Russian companies.

Issue date: 
July 20, 2010

Russian Wood Statistics: wood processing in the first half of 2010

Statistics: wood processing in the first half of 2010  
Issue date: 
Jul 16, 2010

British Columbia's forestry job numbers

It seems that forestry employment numbers bottomed out last year in British Columbia and may now be making a rebound.

Here are some forestry job stats from British Columbia:

2005 – 79,700

2006 – 81,617

2007 – 84,275

2008 – 64,917

2009 – 51,958

Issue date: 
July 2nd, 2010

Karelia: OSB mill to be launched in 2012

The Administration of Komi Republic and DOK Kalevala has recently signed a Protocol on cooperation in construction of a woodworking mill in Petrozavodsk. DOK kalevala is to become the first company in Russia that will produce different kinds of OSB.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, ci

Issue date: 
31 May 2010

Arkhangelsk region to continue realization of investment projects

There are 5 investment projects that are currently being realized in the Arkhangelsk region and are included in the list of priority investment projects. Total investment volume amounts to RUR 20 bln (EUR 0.5 bln).

Issue date: 
20 May 2010

Komi to develop OSB production - Syktyvkar

Safwood (Italy) is to launch OSB production in the Komi Republic by February 2012. The mill will be constructed from scratch with investment volume amounting to EUR 125 mln, of them EUR 72.5 mln to be provided by banks.

Issue date: 
Apr 28, 2010

Renewable Electricity Plan concerns Forest Industry

Forest Products Association of Nova Scotia (FPANS) has concerns with Nova Scotia's new Renewable Electricity Plan released on Friday (April 23rd) by the provincial government (.pdf).

Issue date: 
April 26, 2010

Debugging the beetle kill argument



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by Dr. Radut