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Issue date: 
August 15, 2010

Paper companies eye another serving of black liquor tax benefits

Pulp mills may be getting back on the black liquor gravy train.

Paper and pulp makers, including a number of mills in southwest Alabama, collected $8 billion or more last year in federal cash and tax credits by doing what they've done for decades -- burning the carbon-rich leftovers from the pulp-making process to fuel their mills.

The liquid, known as black liquor, was declared eligible for alternative fuel tax credits if mill operators mixed in a little diesel fuel.

Issue date: 
August 10th, 2010

Recycling Doesn’t Save Trees

Yep. That’s right. Recycling doesn’t save trees.

That’s the position of Roger Dziengelski, a Certified Forester and VP of Continuous Improvement and External Operations for Finch Paper, LLC in upstate New York.

Issue date: 
23 Jul 2010

Green toilet paper that is kind to your backside

Every flush of your loo affects our environment and while low-flush toilets have helped some households save 35000 litres of water a year, it took an Eastern Suburbs man to tackle the toilet-paper dilemma.

Saved A Tree co-founder Damien Scarf, a Vaucluse resident, said global toilet-paper use destroys 27,000 trees every day but his company had found a way to make a loo roll without it costing the earth.

Issue date: 
July 15, 2010

IRS Brings Son of Black Liquor Back From the Dead

The Internal Revenue Service may have handed U.S. pulp and paper companies a multibillion-dollar gift by ruling that black liquor produced in 2009 is eligible for an even more lucrative tax credit than the one claimed by manufacturers last year.

The June 28 ruling contradicts previous guidance from the Environmental Protection Agency that the molasses-like pulp byproduct could not qualify for Cellulosic Biofuel Producer Credits (CBPC) because it is not a motor-vehicle fuel or fuel additive. The new IRS ruling does not allow the same black liquor to receive both the original black liquor credits ("alternative fuel mixture") and CBPCs, the so-called Son of Black Liquor tax credits.

The exact impact of the ruling is unclear, but in theory it is be worth more than $10 billion to U.S. companies.

Publicly traded U.S. companies received more than $6.5 billion in black liquor tax credits last year by exploiting a loophole in legislation designed to subsidize "green" fuels. Privately held companies probably qualified for at least another $2 billion.

Please continue reading this article here...

Issue date: 
June 26, 2010

Groundwood Paper Greenhouse Gas Footprint Much Lower Than Freesheet Paper

Uncoated groundwood paper (such as newsprint, are made from mechanically ground wood pulp that contains impurities - i.e., everything that nature puts into the tree) has less than half the carbon footprint of uncoated freesheet paper (which are made from pulp that is "cooked" and chemically treated to leave them free of impurities) with the same purpose, a recent study by Canadian researchers suggests.

Issue date: 
May 21 2010

SCA and SAPPI to join forces in pulp procurement

May 21 2010  SCA and Sappi have announced their commitment to work together in pulp procurement in Europe.

Issue date: 
May 13, 2010

What, Exactly, Is Black Liquor? Just Ask the Tax Man

If you want to understand that once-obscure, now infamous pulp byproduct known as black liquor, you can turn to an unlikely source –- the lawyers at the Internal Revenue Service.

Issue date: 
6th May 2010

Mondi to boost SA unit’s pulp exports to Europe

Paper and pulp manufacturer Mondi plans to increase its South African business' primary exports of pulp to Europe and to ultimately shift the unit's focus away from paper exports to that market, it said on Thursday.

Issue date: 
April 2, 2010

How will extended elevated pulp prices affect the North American graphic paper market?


Issue date: 
March 22, 2010

Chile: To suffer from earthquake - forest products industry hit hardest



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by Dr. Radut