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Illegal logging

Issue date: 

Forestry Bribes Increasing

More Lao forestry officials are taking bribes in exchange for illegal logging concessions.

BANGKOK—The number of forestry officials in Laos charged with taking bribes is increasing despite an ongoing crackdown, according to a top government lawyer.

Issue date: 
Feb 1, 2010

Ghana: EU Take Action On Illegal Logging


The European Delegation in Ghana is working with the Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources to curb the importation of illegally logged timber from the country to the European market.

Issue date: 
January 28, 2010

Satellites being used to track illegal logging, rosewood trafficking in Madagascar

Analysts in Europe and the United States are using high resolution satellite imagery to identify and track shipments of timber illegally logged from rainforest parks in Madagascar. The images could be used to help prosecute traders involved in trafficking and put pressure on companies using rosewood sourced from Madagascar.

UK government is still struggling to understand deforestation and illegal logging

"Cutting down the worlds forests is responsible for about a fifth of global carbon emissions, but what many people may not realise is that this is linked to the illegal trade in timber. This is a major problem for many timber-producing countries in the developing world. It not only causes environmental damage, but costs governments billions of dollars in lost revenue, often involving corruption and funds armed conflict."

Issue date: 

Malaysia to sign FLEGT agreement with EU

MALAYSIA'S timber products will use the "green lane" to the European market next year, in line with the implementation of the European Union's (EU) timber trade legislation, says the EU ambassador Vincent Piket.

Malaysia is undertaking a bilateral voluntary partnership with the EU under its Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action plan to ensure that only licensed and certified timber enter the EU markets.

Issue date: 
11th January, 2010

Atlantic Rising: Liberia faces choice between deforestation and REDD

If alternatives to deforestation like REDD do not arrive soon Liberia's remaining rainforest cover is likely to go the same way as its neighbours in Cote d'Ivoire

EU lawmakers on watch for illegal timber

European Parliament adopts rules to keep illegal timber off the EU market

Apr 27, 2009: Stricter rules on timber sold in the EU are needed to combat illegal logging - the main cause of deforestation - says a legislative report by Caroline Lucas (Greens/EFA, UK) adopted by the European Parliament. All the operators in the timber supply chain must prove the legality of their timber and illegal timber suppliers must pay penalties that reflect the degree of environmental and economic damage, it added. The report was adopted on 22 April (465 for, 22 against, 187 abstentions). EU rules need to be more effective, as 20% to 40% of global industrial wood production is from illegal sources, stresses the European Parliament, which wants to toughen the proposed legislation to ensure that illegally harvested timber and timber products are removed from the EU market, through a concrete system of traceability and monitoring.

European Parliament press release

EurActiv EU Parliament backs crackdown on illegal logging

Issue date: 
December 27, 2009

2009: a year in review of rainforest protection

2009 may prove to be an important turning point for tropical forests.

Lead by Brazil, which had the lowest extent of deforestation since at least the 1980s, global forest loss likely declined to its lowest level in more than a decade. Critical to the fall in deforestation was the global financial crisis, which dried up credit for forest-destroying activities and contributed to a crash in commodity prices, an underlying driver of deforestation.

EU Council rejects ban on illegal timber imports - FLEGT

December 22, 2009: At the meeting of European ministers in the Agriculture and Fisheries Council (15 December 2009), a discussion was held on the proposal for the Regulation laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market.

Issue date: 
November 20, 2009

Clamping down on logging in Brazil moves it to Paraguay

Former Paraguayan government minister makes plea for West to intervene in runaway illegal logging situation displaced from Brazil


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by Dr. Radut