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Emissions from forest loss overstated

THE recent climate talks in Bangkok, Thailand, highlighted the clear differences between developing countries and some developed countries and NGOs on forestry.

The planet never needed more than now world forestry management

World Forestry Congress produces a message to be presented at COP 15
in Copenhagen

EU Position for the Copenhage Climate Conference

The European Union has published it's Position for the Copenhave Climate Conference.

Here are the Forests related parts.

Bäume fällen für das Klima

Eine kluge Forstwirtschaft könnte Deutschlands CO2-Ausstoß deutlich senken

Global forest monitoring to help mitigate climate change

20 October 2009, Rome - For the first time worldwide, free and ready-to-use high-resolution satellite data is now available to monitor forests and help reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The monitoring system has been launched by FAO and other partners as part of the Global Forest Resources Assessment.

New signals from India?

A confidential letter from the Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh (above) to the Prime Minister suggests a U-turn in the nation’s climate policy.

Offset potential from forests hugely overestimated

Bolivian flagship project in forest conservation has only achieved 11 percent of its planned carbon offsetting. Greenpeace: A scam.

U.S., Brazilian and Indonesian Governors Urge Their Presidents to Include Forest Protection in Climate Change Policies

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and 10 other governors from the United States, Brazil and Indonesia are sending a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono urging them to include forest protection in international and national climate change policies, according to Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE5910GJ20091002).

First developing countries proposals for LULUCF in Bangkok

After nearly two years of developed countries discussing different options for rule changes for this sector, and not getting much farther than more clearly articulating the options that suit each country best, G77 and China said enough is enough and drew a line in the sand:

Africa's first CDM forest project

Trees will return to a vast eroded grassland in Uganda as Africa's first Clean Development Mechanism forestry project evolves.


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by Dr. Radut