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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
October 21, 2011

Japan – The rising sun for carbon markets

Japan has exemplary carbon credentials. It is amongst the most energy and carbon efficient economies in the world, and one of its most beautiful cities gave its name to the UN’s Kyoto Protocol.

Issue date: 
October 26, 2011

Carbon rights in REDD+: Exploring the implications for poor and vulnerable people

One of the key questions that has arisen in the context of the REDD+ debate surrounds which actors have the right to exploit the benefits of GHG emissions reductions and removals in REDD+, and the associated rights to international payments.

Issue date: 
July 15, 2011

Japan selects new batch of bilateral offset projects

Japan’s Environment Ministry said on Thursday that it has adopted 29 carbon projects under a bilateral offset mechanism, as part of nation’s efforts to achieve its climate goal to cut emissions.
The projects were selected from among 77 proposals made between April 28 and May 26 and cover such areas as waste management, transport, energy savings and avoided deforestation and degradation, the ministry said in a statement.

Issue date: 
October 17, 2011

Japan approves 4 forestry CDM projects


Host country: Nicaragua

Project Name: South CDM reforestation project in Nicaragua

Activities Summary: reforestation of native species to the former pasture has declined by over-harvesting (area: 813ha)

Issue date: 
October 17, 2011

Ecuador: Threats From Carbon Market

Ecuador’s participation in the global carbon market has generated complications in indigenous peoples and Afro-Ecuadorian communities, which have not only seen cutbacks in their rights to use land for ancestral activities, but whose organizations have also undergone fracturing due to the governme

Issue date: 
11 October 2011

Allianz takes 10% stake in REDD developer

German insurance giant Allianz has invested an undisclosed sum in Wildlife Works Carbon, a US-based developer of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

Issue date: 

Carbon markets look to the Amazon for offsets

Issue date: 
September 30, 2011

State of Forest Carbon Markets 2011

This second annual State of the Forest Carbon Markets tracks, reports, and analyzes trends in global transac

Issue date: 
30 September 2011

Forest carbon markets grow, despite uncertainty

A surge in activity around projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has helped boost the value of the forest carbon markets – despite lingering uncertainty about their future, according to a survey.

Issue date: 
September 30, 2011

The Emerging Market for Forest and Land-Use Carbon

This report was prepared by Terra Global Investment Management, LLC the investment manager of the Terra Bella Forest and Land-Use Carbon Fund, a Luxembourg SIF-SICAV currently in structuring and capital raising.


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by Dr. Radut