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15.12.10 Advancing equity in community forestry: recognition of the poor matters
15.12.10 CSO Representative Reviews UN-REDD and World Bank’s Forest Carbon Facility
13.12.10 Lessons learnt from FLEGT for REDD draft Summary
13.12.10 Building effective pro-poor REDD-plus interventions
13.12.10 Trade-offs and synergies between carbon storage and livelihood benefits from forest commons
11.12.10 British Columbia releases third State of the Forests Report
05.12.10 Approaches to Classifying and Restoring Degraded Tropical Forests for the Anticipated REDD+ Climate Change Mitigation Mechanism
05.12.10 Financing sustainable small-scale forestry
03.12.10 Ceasing Forest Conversion Harms Poor
03.12.10 Forest carbon rights in REDD+ countries: a snapshot of Africa
03.12.10 REDD-plus Finance
01.12.10 B.C. draft carbon offset rules draw criticism from environmentalist
28.11.10 Sustainable Forest Management as a Strategy to Combat Climate Change
24.11.10 Harvesting Knowledge on REDD+:Early Lessons from the FCPF Initiative and Beyond
24.11.10 REDD+ at project scale: Evaluation and Development Guide
24.11.10 REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation): Mitigation, Adaptation and the Resilience of Local Livelihoods
24.11.10 Integrating FSC certification in REDD+ projects: guidelines for Project Developer - NEW PUBLICATION
24.11.10 Newfoundland, Labrador: Sustainable Forest Management Strategy
18.11.10 UNDP: Tackling corruption risks in climate Change
18.11.10 Joint REDD meeting was held by FIP, FCPF and UN-REDD
14.11.10 The United States Launches REDD+ Strategy
12.11.10 EU Biofuels Goals May Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Lobby Groups Say
12.11.10 What woodfuels can do to mitigate climate change
12.11.10 REDD should create jobs, not merlely bring compensation
25.10.10 The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) - synthesis report
25.10.10 Developing effective forest policy - A guide
21.10.10 Forest Carbon Stock Measurement: Guidelines for measuring carbon stocks in community-managed forests
17.10.10 Article Discusses REDD+ and Drivers of Deforestation
17.10.10 ITTO Publishes Article on Greening REDD+
15.10.10 Study supports carbon price to protect forests
12.10.10 Poverty and sustainable development impacts of REDD architecture
10.10.10 FIELD: REDD-plus guide
10.10.10 REDD: A Guide for Landowners and Forest Communities in the Pacific
25.09.10 Criteria and indicators for sustainable woodfuels
25.09.10 Terra Global offers ‘nested REDD’ blueprint
13.09.10 International Symposium on Indicators to Assess and Monitor the Quality of Forest Governance
13.09.10 Bridging the Divide between the Forestry and Financial Worlds
01.09.10 FERN: Carbon Trading
30.08.10 Survey and Guidance Notes for Submission of Information for REDD+ Partnership Database
30.08.10 Urgent Action Needed On Climate-Forestry Research
27.08.10 CIFOR Releases 2011-2013 Plan of Work
14.08.10 The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise
13.08.10 Avoiding Planned Deforestation
11.08.10 Climate talks stay bogged in Bonn
06.08.10 REDD Readiness Requires Radical Reform
05.08.10 Forest carbon needs climate deal: Study
04.08.10 Forest Resource Assessment in Nepal: An Assessment of Data Needs
02.08.10 Ulu Masen REDD Demonstration Project
02.08.10 Tracking Transformative Forest Actions to Reduce Emissions: An Illegal Logging Case Study
27.07.10 Evidence base for Measuring and Assessing Terrestrial Carbon


by Dr. Radut