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Issue date: 
March 14th, 2011

Lumber stocks react to Japan’s earthquake

There has been a lot of analysis in the last few days concerning the impact the massive earthquake, and tsunami in Japan will have on North American timber markets.

Issue date: 
March 19, 2011

Wood costs for the global pulp industry have increased 17 percent the past two years

Global market pulp production increased by seven percent in 2010, which increased demand for wood raw-material. As a result, prices for wood chips and pulplogs were up in most regions of the world, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly.


Issue date: 
11 February 2011

The total revenues from timber exported from Siberia in 2010 amounted to more than USD 2.3 bln

Issue date: 
Feb 2, 2011

European Paper Industry welcomes European Commission Communication on Raw Materials

Issue date: 

Forestry Commission forecasts high demand for wood

The UK Forestry Commission is predicting that the increased use of wood-fuelled boilers could boost the industry.

According to the commission, there has been a growth of businesses and consumers opting to install eco-friendly biomass boilers to reduce fuel bills and lower emissions.

In particular, the Forestry Commission highlighted the recent decision of Bradford council to use biomass fuel at its City Hall and Ilkley Town Hall as part of commitment to reduce greenhouse gases by 20 per cent in 2010/11.

Issue date: 
December 24, 2010

Swedish Forest Society Doubts the Russian Wood Tariff Reduction

Swedish Forest Society's timber manager Magnus Juntikka is critical to the speculation about the lower Russian wood tariffs.

Issue date: 
December 1, 2010

Finland overhauls timber price information data

More detailed price information, including data broken down by felling type, is to be published by Finland’s forest industry in a bid to help timber sales.

Issue date: 
November 12, 2010

Lower prices for timber products in Sweden

The recent positive trend in prices on wood products has turned.

Issue date: 

Wood or climate change forestry

Much is said about how forestry will be an important part of Indonesia’s emission reduction plan.  Many in the conservation community believe that the best way to reduce net emissions is to reduce the area of forest harvested for wood products or land cleared for conversion to agriculture or

Issue date: 
October 9, 2010

China's timber consumption expected to increase

According to Zhang Jianlong, deputy administrator of the State Forestry Administration, China's total timber consumption will increase from 457 million cu. m in 2009 to 477 million cu. m for 2010, and the demand for timber imports for domestic consumption will grow from 100 million cu.


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by Dr. Radut