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Issue date: 
March 8th, 2011

2010 Delivered Pulpwood prices at historic highs in south, according to Forest2Market

Issue date: 
Mar 9, 2011

Pine Pulpwood Prices Driven by Bioenergy and OSB

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Russia provides 1/3 of timber import in China

Issue date: 
December 29, 2010

Wood prices in Canadian East much higher than in the West

Over the past 20 years, pulp mills in Eastern Canada have consistently had higher wood fiber costs than the mills in the Western provinces with the exception of a short period in 1995, according to the North American Wood Fiber Review.

Issue date: 
Jun. 22, 2010

Brazil's Eldorado starts work on world's biggest pulp mill, also considers integrated tissue plant

TRÊS LAGOAS, June 22, 2010 (PPI Latin America) - The city of Três Lagoas in the Brazilian Midwest has definitely made its mark on the pulp and paper industry map with a project that will make it the largest pulp producer in the world.

Issue date: 
December 18, 2010

Swedish Forest Society export timber to Finland

The forest society will load 2500 cubic meters of timber from the province on a cargo ship to Finland.

Issue date: 
Oct 9, 2010

U.S. is not happy with BC's underpriced lumber exports

The United States has requested consultation with Canada under the Softwood Lumber Agreement. At issue is the apparent unfair under-pricing of timber harvested from public lands in the Interior region of British Columbia.

Issue date: 
Okt. 8, 2010

India - The next big log market?


Issue date: 
July 2010

China removes tariffs on wood products from LDCs

According to the office of Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council, China had decided to remove tariffs on 4,762 commodities imported from 33 of the world’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Commodities with zero tariffs include wood products. The zero tariff treatment came into effect on 1 July 2010.

The countries involved are 26 African countries and 7 other countries, including Ethiopia, Benin, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Maldives, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Issue date: 
Feb 12, 2010

Hardwood fiber costs for the global pulp industry increased over 15% in 2009

Seattle, USA. February 2010. Pulp markets have been remarkably strong during 2009 despite the global financial crisis. From April through December, the softwood market pulp price (NBSK) jumped 45%.


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by Dr. Radut