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Operations management

Issue date: 
01 June 2012

Logs from Australia plantations set to grow

Log supply from Australia’s timber plantations is set to increase substantially according to a new report, released by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).

Issue date: 
20 May, 2012

Large scale carbon forestry planting underway

PLANTING of more than 10,000 hectares of mallee eucalypt trees is now underway as part of one fo the largest carbon forestry projects in Australia.

Issue date: 
May 03, 2012

Eucalyptus developer begins final field trial

FuturaGene, a genetic research and development firm focused on enhancing the eucalyptus tree, has been granted approval to begin a fourth field trial of its genetically modified eucalyptus tree in Brazil.  

Issue date: 
Mar 18, 2012

New Forests Leads Purchase of 46,000 Hectare Australian Softwood Plantation

Funds managed by New Forests have taken a controlling interest in the 46,000 hectare Auspine estate. New Forests' Australia New Zealand Forest Fund is the lead investor in the transaction, which includes the land and trees of the 64-property estate, formerly owned and managed by Gunns Limited.

Issue date: 

FRA welcomes Prediction of Timber demand increase

A recent report in the Financial Times has provided a boost for the forestry investment industry, as it outlines how timber demand could increase by 55 per cent by 2050, according to FRA.

Issue date: 
March 12, 2012

Transforming forest management in B.C

The recent auditor-general's report on government mismanagement of our forests should serve as a wake-up call to the people of British Columbia to demand transformation of forest governance and management. Healthy forests provide us with clean water and clean air.

Issue date: 
July 8th, 2011

Timber movement control technology transfered

The Brazilian computerised system for data recording in timber operations and trade called “Document of Forest Origin” (DOF) will

Issue date: 
April 13, 2011

UPM to sell its logging company in Russia to International Paper

Issue date: 
November 30, 2010

Três Lagoas will host the two largest pulp mills in the world

Brazilian Valonline reports today that Marcelo Castelli, director at Fibria Cellulose SA with eucalyptus plantings in the city Três Lagoas (In the state Mato Groso de Sul) will maintain the schedule for opening of the second line of factory in 2014.

Issue date: 
October 19th, 2010

Statement of principles catalyst for Tasmanian pulp mill project

Australian forest company Gunns Ltd, which is planning to build a new giant pulp mill on the Australian island of Tasmania, possibly in collaboration with Swedish Södra, welcomes a historic forest statement of principles, which was announced yesterday.


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by Dr. Radut