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Issue date: 
October 23, 2010


UPM has developed a global biodiversity programme that aims to maintain and increase natural biodiversity on UPM forest land, and to promote best practices in forestry and wood sourcing. UPM's biodiversity programme is regarded as a front-runner and is being showcased at the UN COP 10. 

Issue date: 
29 Sep 2010

Forging a Landmark Agreement To Save Canada’s Boreal Forest

Last spring, conservation groups and timber companies signed an historic agreement to protect a large swath of Canada’s boreal forest. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, the Pew Environment Group's Steven E.

Issue date: 
25 September 2010

Why Conservation Won't Save the World's Forests

And why we might need to sell forests to save them

Shift2Neutral and the Amazon Reforestation Project sign a Memorandum of Agreement

ForestIndustries.EU just arrived (Monday, 24th of August 2011) this eMail and therefore want to put the readers attention to this:

Brett Goldswortyh (brett@shift2neutral.com) sent a message using the contact form at http://forestindustries.eu/contact.

Please advise email address of person and IP address who made this false allegation


ForestIndustries.EU just arrived (Monday, 15th of August 2011) this eMail and therefore want to put the readers attention to this:

Amazon Reforestation Project, Inc. (info@amazonreforestation.us.com) sent a message using the contact form at http://forestindustries.eu/contact.

We would like to have the article removed in relation to the Amazon Reforestation Project and Shift2Neutral signing an MoU. We have severed all ties with Shift2Neutral and wanted the above referenced article removed from your website.


ARP Legal Team


ForestIndustries.EU appologizes for having caused any inconvenience.

Issue date: 
September 18, 2010

Saving our precious old-growth forests

Issue date: 
Sep. 7, 2010

Strengthening rural communities and improving conservation: an interview with David Kaimowitz

In July, the Ford Foundation announced a five-year, US$85 million initiative to address climate change through the inclusion and empowerment o

Issue date: 
September 05, 2010

Is carbon protection the same as biodiversity protection?

Protection of forests for their carbon value through Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) schemes has been increasing in recent years. These schemes concentrate on preserving forest cover, and thus have great potential for the conservation of natural biodiversity. Some (REDD+) initiatives already specifically take biodiversity protection into account.

Issue date: 
August 29, 2010

Fighting Global Warming by Saving British Columbia's Old Growth Forests

Seven western states and four Canadian provinces have joined forces in a plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Issue date: 
August 24, 2010

Gazprom, Shell and Clinton Foundation back rainforest carbon deal in Borneo

A forest conservation project backed by Shell, Gazprom Market and Trading and the Clinton Foundation on the island of Borneo has won approval under a carbon accounting standard, reports Reuters.

The Rimba Raya project, which covers nearly 100,000 ha (250,000 acres) of peat forest in Indonesia's Central Kalimantan province, could reduce projected emissions by 75 million metric tons over the next 30 years, generating hundreds of millions in carbon finance under the reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) program backed by the U.N. and World Bank.

Issue date: 
20 August, 2010

Financing the Tropical Forest Conservation Act

The Tropical Forest Conservation Act is an incentive program that provides less developed countries with debt relief when they protect their forests. According to USAID, this act includes funding from both the United States federal government and private organizations. The Tropical Forest Conservation Act funds protect forests throughout all regions of the world, including Bangladesh, Belize, Jamaica, and Botswana, as well as others.


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by Dr. Radut