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Issue date: 
30 Sep 2010

Minister commits to deliver on climate change targets

Johannesburg - South Africa plans to address the impact of climate change by reducing carbon emissions by at least 43 percent in the next decade while a series of strict measures will also be put in place to avert pollution by the country's mines.

This is contained in a delivery agreement document signed by Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica on Thursday. Several Cabinet ministers are also in line to sign agreements over the next few weeks that outline the government's 12 outcomes to improve performance and service delivery.

Issue date: 
28 September 2010

Bilateral deals mushroom as climate treaty falters

As the prospects for swift closure of a global climate treaty cloud over, bilateral agreements to cut greenhouse gas emissions are gaining traction. But experts warn they are no replacement for an international treaty.

Issue date: 
25 September 2010

President calls on UN to craft global accountability indicators

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s annual high-level debate
yesterday, President Bharrat Jagdeo called on the UN to establish global
accountability indicators to assess whether the implementation of policies is in accordance with the international responsibilities.

REDD+: Development Aid, Neocolonialism or Anticipatory Obedience towards do-gooder NGOs?

Climate change mitigation support to emerging or developing countries should be given by western industrialized (so called ANNEX I) countries. In Copenhagen leaders of the world have agreed to start some financing activities in the fields of climate change aid. Our bosses had been in the opinion that it would make sense to immediately start these financing activities and therefore called it “fast start funding” or “fast start financing of climate change mitigation”.

Issue date: 
September 24, 2010

Press Converence with Todd Stern: The Kyoto Protocol Question is a Very Difficult One

MR. STERN: Hi everybody. Thanks for coming. We've just completed the ninth meeting of the Major Economies Forum here in New York. It was attended by officials from 17 major economies, both developed and developing.

Issue date: 
September 21, 2010

EV20 Alliance, Insuring Solutions for Climate Adaptation, PwC Carbon Reduction Goals

The Climate Group, and its partners, including the United Nations, the City of New York, and founding sponsor Swiss Re, kicked off Climate Week NYC yesterday.

Issue date: 
Sep 3, 2010

Greater clarity on climate finance at 46-nation forum

GENEVA — Forty-six countries gained a clearer view on Friday of what it may take to secure a deal worth hundreds of billions of dollars in climate aid, an issue that threatens hopes for a treaty on global warming.

Issue date: 
03 September 2010

Nationwide acceptance of LCDS impresses forest evaluation experts

A delegation sent to conduct a real time evaluation of the Norwegian Global Initiative on Climate Change and Forestry in Guyana is impressed with the mass acceptance of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

Issue date: 
04 September 2010

President schools German International broadcaster on LCDS

THE international acclaim which Guyana has been receiving, particularly through its efforts to promote forest protection and biodiversity, continues to attract widespread attention.

Issue date: 
August 31, 2010

The Missionary Position: The export of carbon guilt to the developing world

The advocates of renewable energy have long chanted a mantra of “green jobs, energy security and lower emissions”, but in country after country we continue to see a fork in the road emerging whereby individual nations are forced to make choices between lowering (global) emissions or developin


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by Dr. Radut