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ETS - Emissions Trading Schemes (EU, NZ, ...) and Forest Carbon Credits

Issue date: 
August 23, 2011

Is Forest Carbon Just Another Commodity?

As already discussed on Climatico, using REDD+ as a private sector offsetting mechanism runs the risk of creating perverse incentives, exposing la

Issue date: 
24 Aug, 2011

Devil in detail of carbon farming plan

LABOR'S carbon farming initiative (CFI) has passed in the Senate but agricultural groups remain sceptical of its worth until details are made available.

Under the scheme, graziers could sell carbon credits on to businesses to offset emissions.

Issue date: 
August 12th, 2011

‘Silly Fool’ Sells NZU at $20, buys back CER at $13.50 and pockets $65,000

Back in March 2011 a Carbon Monitor reader wrote to us with the quandary of what to do with his post 1989 NZU units (those with a surrender liability for loss or harvest) suggesting if he took the funds, invested in real estate then he would be ahead even with a future liability.

Issue date: 
5 August 2011

FSA warning over carbon credit trading schemes

Issue date: 
August 05, 2011

The Omens of Offsetting Linger on REDD

As the number of public sector financial mechanisms targeting REDD+ has increased, and consequently the volume of money flowing in to REDD+, observers are increasingly pointing out that the public sector alone cannot supply the huge sums

Issue date: 
July 24, 2011

A Slow Start for the for Carbon Credit Market

WASHINGTON — As U.N. talks keep failing to agree how to raise money to protect forests, private investors are testing a trade in credits to slow the deforestation that emits as much carbon as all the world’s cars, ships, trucks and planes.

Issue date: 
July 28th, 2011

The Anatomy of the CER Price Melt Down

Some 6 weeks ago the price of a CER (certified emission reduction created from reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries using the CDM or clean development mechanism of the kyoto protocol) was 13 Euro and the emissions markets were looking healthy.

Issue date: 
5 July 2011

Finding a path to REDD investment

How can finance be mobilised to protect the world’s rainforests, in a climate of extreme policy uncertainty? Environmental Finance and Irbaris convened a panel of experts to try to find out. Mark Nicholls reports

Issue date: 
Jun 13, 2011

Deforestation Credits Achieving Premium Prices, CF Partners Says

Carbon credits from projects to halt deforestation can achieve “premium prices” compared with other types of voluntary offsets as demand is set to quadruple in the next three years, according to CF Partners.

Issue date: 
Jun 10, 2011

World Bank Prototype Carbon Fund Syndicate Agreement Extended Through 2023

The World Bank’s Prototype Carbon Fund extended an agreement until as late as 2023 to help govern the syndicate including six governments and 16 companies.


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by Dr. Radut