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18.10.12 Country needs assessment: A report on REDD+ readiness among UN-REDD Programme and Forest Carbon Partnership facility
12.10.12 US forest climate assistance: An assessment
12.10.12 Can REDD+ Save the Forest? The Role of Payments and Tenure
12.10.12 How the mafia is destroying the rainforests
30.09.12 Investing In Locally Controlled Forestry
30.09.12 New CSO Observers Selected for UNREDD
29.09.12 Agriculture Is the Direct Driver for Worldwide Deforestation
09.09.12 Consumer demand 'can influence sustainable forestry'
09.09.12 REDD+: An incentive structure for long-term performance
09.09.12 Liberian forests to be flattened by secret logging contracts
09.09.12 Committee recommends measures to increase timber supply
31.08.12 Outline of The Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism
31.08.12 The governance of REDD+: an institutional analysis in the Asia Pacific region and beyond
31.08.12 Forest Peoples Programme: Numbers Across the World
31.08.12 Indigenous Peoples and the Green Climate Fund
31.08.12 REDD+ revisited - steady pace or passed momentum?
24.08.12 Financing options to support REDD+ activities
24.08.12 Utilisation of mountain wood and the organisation of mountain wood industries - European practices
24.08.12 Enhancing forest tenure reforms through more responsive regulations
24.08.12 Regaining Momentum: Priority Tasks for the Green Climate Fund at its First Board Meeting
23.08.12 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Reduced Impact Logging
17.08.12 B.C. Timber Supply committee releases report with recommendations to increase timber supply
29.07.12 Pricing nature's freebies
13.07.12 Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights Are Unclear: Insights for REDD+ Initiatives
13.07.12 Making benefit sharing arrangements work for forest dependent communities: Overview of Insights for REDD+ Initiatives
09.07.12 Calls for halt of World Bank's climate initiatives
09.07.12 Comparative Study on REDD: Recommendations for Action
09.07.12 The Journey of Forest Governance
09.07.12 EBRD: Promoting sustainable forestry from Bratislava to Vladivostok
07.07.12 Seeing REDD+ through 4Is
07.07.12 REDD+ and the global economy
07.07.12 REDD+ safeguards in national policy discourse and pilot projects
07.07.12 Rise and spread of national and sub-national forest carbon schemes
07.07.12 Community-Powered Monitoring of REDD+
07.07.12 FCPR–Forest Conservation Performance Rating for the Pan-Tropics - Working Paper 294
07.07.12 FORMA and fCPR: Accelerating a Performance-Based Payment System for REDD+
30.06.12 Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program
30.06.12 Sustainable land use for the 21st century
28.06.12 Timberland in Institutional Investment Portfolios: Can Significant Investment Reach Emerging Markets?
28.06.12 Forests & People First: The need for universal REDD+ Safeguards
28.06.12 Public consultation launched for revised REDD+ SES version 2
23.06.12 Christian Aid launches document on REDD+
23.06.12 JIKO Policy Paper 3/2010: REDD Crediting vs. REDD Funds
23.06.12 June 2012: The Status of REDD
17.06.12 Unready for REDD+? Lessons from Corruption in Ugandan Conservation Areas
15.06.12 Giving REDD+ Life
14.06.12 Analysis of possible indicators to measure impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity and on indigenous and local communities
14.06.12 Wood biomass - carbon impact a matter of scale
14.06.12 GAR and SMART publish High Carbon Stock Forest Study Report
14.06.12 Moving Forward with Forest Governance


by Dr. Radut