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Poverty Reduction - Deforestation, Poverty & Economic Dependency

Issue date: 
2 August, 2012

Deforestation now driven by profit, not poverty

The main drivers of deforestation worldwide are no longer subsistence-level farmers trying to put food on their tables, but corporations, converting massive tracts of land for industrial agriculture, said the founder of the Mongabay website, adding that this offers a rare opportunity for conserva

Issue date: 
August 14th, 2012

REDD+ opens up new opportunities for forest product management in the Amazon

The emergence of subnational REDD+ projects in southwestern Amazonia is showing potential for multiple-use management of non-timber forest products, particularly Brazil nuts, and forest carbon.

Issue date: 
April 25 2012

Logging companies may assist rural development: Study

Logging companies play a key role in developing forest regions in Central Africa, a CIFOR report studying the impact of commercial forest management says.

Issue date: 
March 20, 2012

Climate Conversations - Turning to communities to protect forests

Tackling climate change through sustainable forest management is being promoted as a way forward to fight greenhouse gases.

Issue date: 
27 December 2011

REDD+ can learn valuable lessons from community-managed forests in Latin America

Community-managed forests in Latin America could provide valuable lessons for the sustainable management of these resources, in particular under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) schemes, says a new study by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Issue date: 
December 12th, 2011

DENR freezes land titling in forest lands, protected areas

To curb the encroachment of human population and disruptive economic activities into forest lands, the Department of Environment declared on Monday that no land titles would be given to areas that overlapped with or were included in proposed protected areas.

Issue date: 
December 17, 2011

Brazil judge says work can resume at Amazon dam

Judge Carlos Castro said the company behind the Belo Monte had shown that local fishing will not be impeded during construction, and the natural flow of the Xingu river will not be affected.

Issue date: 
6 December 2011

Forest programme to benefit millions

A 10-year, $233-million plan to help a billion people around the world whose livelihoods depend on trees and forests, was announced on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 17) in Durban on Sunday.

Issue date: 
December 6, 2011

Forests cannot be sustained if people are hungry

Agriculture will most likely be included in future negotiations on global warming, experts said at the U.N. climate change talks in Durban, which may help address one of the top drivers of deforestation amid a spike in demand for farmland.

Issue date: 
November 29, 2011

Building bridges between REDD+ and sustainable agriculture

The potential role of forests in reducing of global greenhouse gas emissions is attracting considerable interest from the international community.


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by Dr. Radut