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2010 foreign competition: Paperitalo 2nd Tuesday Surveys


Survey subject:

Foreign competition 2010

2nd Tuesday Surveys are Copyright 2010 by Paperitalo Publications and used by permission of the Copyright Owner

   Dates open: 9 – 23 Mar 2010

Confidential level and error band:
(90% confid. Level, +/- 10% error band)

No. of respondents: ??

Pulp & Paper Industry

62% US respondents, 12 % Western Europe, 14% Brazil

When asked foreign competition under current conditions

         44%....said foreign competition is a threat to our mill

         14%... said foreign competition is of no concern

         42%... said they have advantages over foreign competition

When asked about their biggest concern about foreign competition

         27%..... said energy costs advantages

         19%..... said raw material advantages

         12%..... said quality advantages

         10%....  said tax policy advantages

         10%....  said looser environmental regulation advantages

28 % of respondents said their company regularly lobbies their government for protection against foreign competition

45 % of respondents said they regularly reinvest in modern technology to counteract foreign competition

64 % said it is highly unlikely foreign competition will close their mill in the next five years

30 % said their country uses tariffs to protect them from foreign competition

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Drivers of the Pulp and Paper Industry:
Forest products markets / Holzproduktmärkte:
Node Types:
Foreign competition 2010
Issue date: 
March 2010
Publisher Name: 
Paperitalo's 2nd Tuesday Surveys(TM)
Jim Thompson
Author e-Mail: 

Paperitalosurveys | by Dr. Radut